To What Extent Does Cultural And Ethnic Diversity Affect Employee Training, Motivation And Performance In Multinational Organizations? (2014)

Cultural and Ethnic Diversity in Multinational Organizations Dissertation – There has been much literature explored on the concepts of culture and ethnicity in multicultural corporations, and some of it with individual regards to employee training, motivation or performance, very little studies have comprised all these factors together and simultaneously analyzed the interrelationship between them.

Thus, the main objectives of this dissertation are to establish and describe how culture and ethnicity affect employee development, how they motivate or demotivate them, and finally, what the consequences on their performance are. An empirical qualitative approach of unstructured interviews and participant observation was used to access the correlation between all the above-mentioned concepts from the perspective of crew of a multicultural corporation.

The study further presents and analyses employee feedback and results, and proves that all these dimensions are significantly mutually dependent and closely related. Analysis also shows how the interdependence of these factors is manifested in the daily performance of employees and what are the advantages and disadvantages of this phenomenon both for individuals and the company. The conclusion summarizes all the findings and critically points out to the importance of this subject and its effect on the operation of all multinational companies worldwide, as well as their employees. The central research problem addressed in this dissertation focuses on the concepts of workplace diversity and closely explores the impact of culture and ethnicity on learning and performance processes.

The purpose of this project is to define the above-mentioned notions and to display the importance of a successful diversity training and management, as well as to provide the understanding of the ways in which cultural and social factors influence employees’ overall operation and performance. The value of this paper lies in the attempt to further expand the analysis in the field of employee motivation and performance, rather than to support or oppose some of the already existing theories. It provides credible evidence that can be used both to answer the central question of the research and to raise additional questions for future studies.

  • 18,000 words – 76 pages in length
  • Excellent use of literature
  • Good analysis of subject area
  • Well written throughout
  • Includes interview questions
  • Ideal for international HRM students

1 – Introduction

2 – Literature Review
The concept of cultural diversity
The concept of ethical diversity
Managing successful training
Managing motivation and performance
Literature review conclusion

3 – Research Methodology
Unstructured interviews
Participant observation
Documentary evidence
Ethical issues
Research sample

4 – Research Findings
Results on crew training
Results on crew motivation
Results on crew performance
Research conclusion

5 – Conclusion


Appendix Section
Interview questions

Cultural and Ethnic Diversity in Multinational Organizations Dissertation
Cultural and Ethnic Diversity in Multinational Organizations Dissertation

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