An Analysis Into Modular Construction Of Purpose Built Flats – Is This A Valid Solution To Social Housing Within The UK (2008)

This research dissertation examines the degree to which the modular construction of purpose built flats can provide an adaptable and flexible solution to social housing within the UK. The primary motivating rationale which has led the researcher to undertake such an investigation is the importance of modular construction in the context of providing a significant step away from what many believe to be increasingly inefficient, and antiquated conventional construction site processes.

Furthermore, the researcher believes that as modular social housing projects are at the forefront of the ODPM’s plans to satisfy social housing demand it therefore allows further contribution towards the debate in a constructive and impartial manner.

The research was systematically undertaken through the review of existing literature sources and the evaluation of an existing modular development (case study). Through this combination of literary and case data, the researcher was able to formulate theories and ideas regarding the adaptability and flexibility of the method.

The result of such research illustrated that modular construction promotes a number of flexibilities throughout the project life cycle (pre, during, post construction) which can be utilised as to construct social housing to an accelerated project duration, improved quality level and potentially lower cost. The research also highlighted a number of issues which restricted the adaptability of the method which were also inherent of the manufacturing process, such as modular repair in the advent of fire.

Consequently, the integration of themes highlighted throughout the literature and case study led the researcher to conclude that modular methods can provide a flexible and adaptable solution to the changing demographic nature of social housing demand.

  • 20,000 words – 125 pages in length
  • Excellent use of literature
  • Good use of case study analyses
  • Ideal for construction & building studies students
  • Outstanding Dissertation

1 – Introduction to Research
Research Background
Research Rationale
Research Constraints
Research Aims and Objectives
Outline Research Methodology

2 – Changing Nature of Housing within the UK
Overview of UK housing market
Potential Future of Modular Construction within the Social Housing Sector
Government Policy Regarding Modular Method’s of Construction
Critical Appraisal 1

3 – Modular Construction Project Process
Modular Overview
Forms of Modular Construction
Manufacturing Process
Transportation and Installation of Modules
Critical Appraisal 2

4 – Modular Performance Variables
Project Duration
Cost Implications
Architectural Design and Functionality
Health and Safety
Critical Appraisal Three
Literature Review Conclusion

5 – Detailed Research Methodology
Literature Review
Qualitative Research
Quantitative Research
Analytical Case Study
Semi Structured Interviews
Research Ethics

6 – Case Study: Murray Grove
Introduction and Research Objectives
Case Overview
Architectural Appraisal/Design
Construction Process
Stage One – Module Prefabrication
Stage Two – Module Installation and Roof Assembly
Stage Three – Access Deck Assembly and External Tile Cladding
Stage Four – Lift and Stair Tower Assembly
Stage Five – Landscaping and Snagging
Project Cost Summary
Case Summary
Project Drawings

7 – Case Study Semi Structured Interviews
Semi Structured Questionnaire Attitudinal Results
Semi Structured Questionnaire Exploratory Results
Case Study Interview Key Findings

8 – Discussion/Conclusion
Discussion Introduction
Relationship of Research to Existing Literature
Relationship of Research to Sub Objectives
Research Limitations and Appropriateness
Relationship of Research to Primary Aim
Recommendations for Further Research



Modular Construction UK Housing Dissertation
Modular Construction UK Housing Dissertation

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