How can Banks adopt a cautious approach of Risk Management to minimize non-performing assets and maximize return? (2012)

Risk Management in Banks Dissertation – In every economy banking sector is known as backbone so the growth and health of banking sector is the preliminary condition of sustainable development in an economy. The 21st century developments have turned the world into a global economy through rapid technology developments. In this scenario banking sector the core element of the economy is also influenced significantly due to this global change.

Generally banking is divided into two broad categories based on its services that are corporate banking and retail banking. The retail banking category covers all individual consumer related services including ATMs, account to account fund transfers, checking balance of account, credit card facilities, consumer bills and paying utility bills on behalf of customers. On other hand corporate banking include all services of the banks for corporate clients such as managing their cash balances and opening letter of credit and transferring their funds.

The banking sector of UK has seen a huge change due to privatization policy and in the result of this policy number of private banks emerged and grown in the market. Strengths of private sector in the banking industry of UK have strengthened the customers and system has become more competitive and customer focused. The banking sector of the country is very sensitive and number of factors and events has impacts on the banking sector of UK especially economic and political conditions are significant external factors.

The banking sector of UK is very lucrative this is the reason that number of international banks has started their operation in UK in last few years and many banks have found joint ventures as a suitable international market entrance strategy. This whole scenario has increased the competition greatly and the survival for small banks has become very difficult. Risk factors have been increased and organizations that will be able to manage their risks effectively will only be able to survive in the market.

The aim of the dissertation is to examine different risk management strategies adopt by banks to maximizing their profits or returns so that they minimizing their non- profitable or non-performing assets. In banking industry, the main source of revenue is to giving loan on higher interest rate and receiving deposits on lower interest rate. Higher the risk more return, so return interface with risk. So, banks can never avoid the risk because the risk taking is their business, but risk should be rational and calculated. In order to achieve the research aim a list of objectives are defined. These research objectives will help to keep the study focused and objectivity of results will be ensured:

  • To explore the literature about risk and risk management strategies
  • To find out the techniques as adopted by the main UK banks risk management
  • To find out the quality in lending decisions
  • To find out the risk management practice difference between larger banks and smaller banks
  • To look over the major steps taken to manage the risk in term of Basle II
  • To judge the improvements in risk management in management
  • To develop the detailed recommendations for improvements

  • 15,000 words – 68 pages in length
  • Good use of literature
  • Well written throughout
  • Good in depth analysis
  • Ideal for finance and accounting students

1: Introduction
Aims and Objectives
Research Aim
Research Objectives
Research Questions
Primary Literature Review
Research Significance
Ethical Considerations
Dissertation Structure

2: Literature Review
Factors of Risks
Types of Risks
Strategic risks
Operational risk
Credit Risks
Market Risks
Nature of Risks associated with banks
Need for risk management in banks
Reports and standards
Position Limits and Rules
Strategies for investments and guidelines
Incentive Schemes
Risk Management
Risk at different hierarchy levels of banks
Micro level
Macro Level
Strategic level
Risk Management Flow Chart
Risk Management in Banks
Framework of Risk Management
Integration of Risk Management
Risk Evaluation
Independent review

3: Research Methodology
Research Onion
Philosophy behind the study
Research approach
Research Strategies
Structure of Questionnaire
Research Choice
Research Time Horizon
Data analysis technique
Data types
Sample Size
Hindrances in Research
Ethical Consideration of research

4: Data presentation and analysis
Research background
Results presentation and discussion
Gender Distribution
Age division
Components of Risk Management Internal Control system
Main Source of Liquidity Risk
Tools for Liquidity Risk management
Liquidity Risk management and regulatory authority measures
Main sources of interest rate risk
Tools to mitigate interest rate risk
Bank rating system
Main sources of operational risk
Tools to mitigate operational risk
Tools to mitigate market risk
Risk Management and its impact on bank profitability

5: Recommendations and Conclusion



Risk Management in Banks Dissertation
Risk Management in Banks Dissertation

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