An Examination into the Impact of Effective Recruitment and Selection Practice on Business Growth. A Study of McDonalds (2013)

Recruitment and Selection Activities Dissertation – This final year dissertation focuses on identifying the impact of effective recruitment and selection on the growth and development of the business. There is no second opinion on the fact that HR is one of the most important departments in any company and recruitment and selection is an important HR activity which focuses on ensuring the availability of quality human capital for different sectors of the business. The goals of the company are accomplished through the employees and high quality employees are essential for business growth and success.

Therefore, it is important to enhance the effectiveness of recruitment and selection activities within the organization because it helps the management to achieve business advantages over the main rivals in the today’s competitive world. In this study, the researcher has used primary and secondary data collection methods in order to collect information for research purpose. The interview was conducted with the restaurant manager of McDonald’s and questionnaire survey was conducted with the employees working at McDonald’s store. The purpose is to analyze the effectiveness of organizational recruitment and selection activities and its impact on the growth and development of the business.

The organizational performance can be directly affected through the nature of recruitment and selection activities; therefore, it is essential for the management of McDonald’s that organizational HR activities are directed towards achievement of business objectives. The research objectives are the tasks which need to be achieved during the study. The research objectives are always very important in any research because it is considered to be a basis of the research. The objectives of this dissertation are as follows;

  • To identify the link between effective recruitment and selection activities and business growth and development
  • To determine the impact of recruitment strategies on the performance of the organization
  • To identify the importance of effective recruitment and selection activities for modern world organizations
  • 15,000 words – 70 pages in length
  • Excellent use of literature
  • Good in analysis of subject area
  • Well written throughout
  • Includes questionnaire
  • Ideal for HRM students

1: Introduction
Research Background
Organization Background
Research Objectives
Research Questions

2: Literature Review
Effective Recruitment and Organizational Performance
Important Aspects of Recruitment Strategies
Recruitment Process
HR Role in the Recruitment Process
Challenges in Recruitment
Selection Process

3: Research Methodology
Research Approach
Data Collection Methods
Sampling Approach
Research Rationale

4: Results and Findings
Analysis of Questionnaire
Analysis of Interview

5: Conclusion and Recommendations


Appendix Section

Recruitment and Selection Activities Dissertation
Recruitment and Selection Activities Dissertation

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