The Labour Shortages In The UK Construction Industry And Its Implications (2007)

Labour Shortages UK Construction Industry Dissertation – This study seeks to identify the major skills shortages in detail using information compiled by various surveys and studies, in efforts of reducing the skilled labour gaps presently experienced in the construction industry.The UK faces a labour shortage time bomb caused by low fertility rates and an ageing population, according to a report from the World Economic Forum (WEF). In the undertaking of this study the author wishes to determine the main influences at their earliest

stages, directly affecting the skilled labour and the general labour markets within the construction industry. The general perceptions of the industry, as well as, the competitive nature within the industry at various levels, will be closely assessed primarily to gain knowledge of the full potential of these as influential factors. Firstly, an in depth assessment of the Construction Labour Supply Market in the university environment, colleges, and vocational institutions and their role in providing a future workforce will be implemented.

Statistics will be produced to show how many individuals actually enter into the construction industry upon completion of their respective construction related disciplines. The nature, depth and how well tailored they are in suiting the students’ needs can also be evaluated. A major topic underlying this area would be the perceptions of the construction industry as a whole, as expressed by potential members of the construction labour supply.

  • 15,000 words – 53 pages in length
  • Excellent use of literature
  • Good analysis of subject area
  • Well written throughout
  • Ideal for construction & building studies students

1 – Rationale for Research
Research Goals

2 – Introduction

3 – Literature Review
Skilled Trade Occupations
Skills and Training
Industry Perceptions
Gender Segregation
Ethnic minorities
Implications of Labour shortages
Influx of Foreign Labour
Sub Contracting
Sectoral Recruitment Difficulties
Qualitative Issues
Structural or Cyclical Shortages
Response Strategies
Considerate Constructors Scheme
National Construction Week
Construction Skills Certification Scheme
Investors in People Initiative
New Deal Employment Scheme
CITB Equal Opportunities Scheme
CITB Trainee Recruitment Scheme

4 – Literature Appraisal

5 – Research Aim
Research Sample
Interviews and Responses

6 – Conclusions

7 – References

Labour Shortages UK Construction Industry Dissertation
Labour Shortages Construction Industry Dissertation

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