An Analysis Into The Shortage Of UK Construction Skills And Recruitment Alternatives (2010)
The purpose of this study was to review the UK construction skills shortage and explore possible factors which have led to the shortage occurring. The dissertation then focused on reviewing and ascertaining the opinions of stakeholders to the feasibility of mature adults being an alternative recruitment option, and establishing the views to a sample of the recommendations within the recent Leitch report.
The work commenced with an in-depth review of training policy within the UK construction industry. The attention then focused on an overview of the skill shortage and the problems that currently face the North-West construction industry. The literature review then focused on possible factors that have been cited as being a direct cause of the skills shortage, and concludes with a review of mature adults within the UK construction industry.
The literature review enabled the author to establish themes and formulate questions, which were then posed to a sample of stakeholders in the form of one to one semi structured interviews. The main findings of the research project conclude that the current skill shortage can be attributed to employers, central Government, training providers and the employees themselves. The dissertation concludes with a series of recommendations, which the author feels will have both short and long term strategic benefits for the UK construction industry.
- 11,000 words – 110 pages in length
- Excellent use of literature
- Good use of case study analyses
- Includes interview transcripts
- Ideal for construction and building studies students
- Outstanding Dissertation
1 – Introduction
Rationale for Research
Research Aim
Research Objectives
Outline Methodology
Stage One Literature Review
Stage Two Pilot Test
Stage Three Questionnaires
2 – UK Skills Shortage and its Origins – Review
Literature Review
Government Policy and Training Provision in Construction 1958-2007
An overview of the Skills Shortages
The North West Construction Industry
3 – Possible Factors Affecting the Skills Shortage and a Review of Mature Adults in Construction
Possible Factors Affecting the Skills Shortage
Adults in Construction
4 – Research Design and Methodology
Quantitative Methodology
Qualitative Methodology
Data Collection Methodologies in Qualitative Research
Case Studies
Differences between Quantitative and Qualitative Research
Choice of Methodology
Types of interviews
Sample and Characteristics
Questionnaire Formulation
Rationale of Research Questions
Pilot Study
Method of Analysis
Open Coding
Axial Coding
Selective Coding
5 – Data Analysis
Scope of Chapter
Construction Skills Shortage
Mature Adults: An Alternative Recruitment Option
Review of future Proposals
6 – Conclusions and Recommendation
Research Aim
Analysis of Objectives
Limitations of Research
Further Research
Initial Questions
Interview Question Schedule
Interviewee Characteristics and Sample Letters
Interviewee Transcripts