An Investigation Into Factors Effecting The Marketing Of City Centre Apartments (2008)

The aim of this dissertation is to identify the type of demand that exists towards the building of apartments within the city centre. Once the specifics of the demand were identified it was appropriate to further investigate and to cross-analyse the data to establish what the important factors of the development process were, in order to facilitate a profitable return for the developer.

Opinions were sought specifically from people who already had a relative interest in city centre apartments (investors and potential investors) The Dissertation discusses modern trends showing a return to the city it is important that those promoting this return, by living or investing in the city centre property market are provided with a product that is tailored to their needs.

Through developing an understanding of what the consumer specifically wants from their city centre property, we can promote a return to the city and take the necessary steps in ensuring that city centre property growth is sustained in the future. While much has been written on property markets and the effect of the economy, very little research has been conducted specifically into the expansion of housing directly within the city centres.

Research that investigates trends within the property market and identifies the desires and expectations of those that have a relative interest to either live or invest in city centre property; would be of great interest to many parties involved in the development of such properties. Being up to date with industry demands and possessing such a comprehensive development guide complete with analysis of consumer preferences, would allow the developer to satisfy the needs of the consumer which should in turn, facilitate a profitable return for the developer.

It is easily recognisable through reviewing the literature that there is a definite requirement for such a guide, to assist with the increasing demand and development of city centre property.

  • 15,000 words – 92 pages in length
  • Excellent use of literature
  • Good use of data analyses
  • Ideal for construction and building studies students

Justification and Rationale

Aims, Objectives and Methodology

Market Research
The Importance of Research
Identification of the Research Area
Research Design
The Literature
Literature Types

Literature Review – Property Market (Developers Perspective)
A Return to the City
Site Location
Planning Approval
Market Research
Financial Appraisal

Literature Review – Property Market (Consumers Perspective)
Choosing the Location
Property Prices
Interest Rates

Data Gathering Strategy
Questionnaire Design
The Pilot Study Questionnaire
Analysis and Presentation of the Research Data
Sampling Methodology
Obtaining the Sample Set
Justification of the Data Sampling Strategy

Data Analysis
Interpretation of Consumer Results
Outcome and Analysis of the Consumer Survey
Gender Analysis
Income Analysis
Comparison to Previous Research Carried Out
Conclusions of the Consumer Questionnaire

Conclusion and Recommendations
Conclusion of the Research Objectives
Limitations of the Study
Further Research



City Centre Apartments Dissertation
City Centre Apartments Dissertation

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