Barriers to Construction SME Contractors in Implementing Sustainable Construction (2008)
Implementing Sustainable Construction Barriers Dissertation – This research investigates the level of Sustainable Construction implementation and barriers within the small and medium sized (SMEs) constructors’ firms in the Northwest region of the United Kingdom. Assessment was made based on Elevate East Lancashire case study, through semi-structured interviews with ten SMEs constructors’ firms listed in the tender for East Lancashire Regeneration Programme on housing developments.
The investigation undertaken was focused towards the Sustainable Construction activities during the Production/Construction Phase, also known as RIBA Plan of Work Stage K – Construction Stage. Barriers to the SMEs in implementing the Sustainable Construction activities during this stage were identified to form the most important part of this research. From thorough literature review, the essential barriers to the implementation of Sustainable Construction within the UK construction industry had been identified at the early stage of the research.
These generic barriers were later challenged or validated by the outcome from the interview feedback analysis. Finally, the most significant barriers to the SMEs constructors’ firms were developed and illustrated by the ‘Barriers to SMEs in Implementing Sustainable Construction’ Model. In validating the barriers identified in the literature review, ten semi-structured interviews were carried out and the feedback from the interviews were analysed. The barriers that received the most responses from the interviewees were analysed and finalised in order to develop a model that represent the barriers to SMEs in implementing Sustainable Construction.
This model divides the barriers into six ‘key barriers’ under the categories of Cost, Time, People, Technology, Market and Legal. The development of this model is hoped to aid the construction industry, in particular the SMEs in identifying and removing the barriers and hence encourage more firms to implement sustainable construction.
Overall results indicate that although the UK construction industry is showing progress towards sustainable construction, the level of its implementation among the SMEs constructors’ firms are poor and limited. This is because sustainable construction practice is highly associated with high cost, time-consuming and complicated. It requires huge supports and co-operation from all parties including government, local authorities, clients, suppliers and sub-contractors in order to achieve satisfactory level of implementation.
- 15,000 words – 150 pages in length
- Excellent use of literature
- Good use of data analyses
- Good case study analysis
- Includes interview questionnaire transcripts
- Ideal for construction, property and building studies students
Introduction To The Research
Justification / Rationale of the Research
Research Aim and Objectives
Research Methodology
Research Contents
Detailed Research Methodology
Research Strategy
Literature Review
Case Study Analysis
Semi-Structured Interviews
Sustainable Construction In The UK
Strategies and Drivers for Sustainable Construction
Environmental Impacts of the Construction Industry
On-site Practices of Environmental Sustainable Construction
Waste Management
Energy Efficiency
Water Conservation
Use and Procurement of Materials
Protection of Biodiversity
Construction SMEs In The UK
SMEs and Construction Innovation
Internal Capabilities and Motivations for Innovation
External Capabilities and Motivations for Innovation
Key Barrier To Sustainable Construction
Cost barriers
Time barriers
People/Culture barriers
Technology barriers
Market barriers
Legal barriers
Recommendations to remove barriers
Case Study: Elevate East Lancashire
Sustainable Development Objectives
Sustainability Requirements
Sustainable Construction Framework
Analysis Of Findings
Companies’ Background
Level of Understanding and Awareness about Sustainable Construction
Level of Implementing Sustainable Construction On-site
Barriers in Implementing Sustainable Construction On-site
Recommendations for Improvement
Overall Analysis and Conclusion
Dissertation Aim
Research Objectives Appraisal
Interview Questionnaire Appraisal
Research Limitations
Personnel Recommendation
Further Research