An Investigation about Collusion within the UK Construction Industry (2008)
Collusion UK Construction Industry Dissertation – In this dissertation, the Author has proposed to, Investigate about Collusion within the UK Construction Industry. It will examine the current relationships between clients, main contractors, sub-contractors and suppliers and which party is considered the most likely to conspire in collusive activities.
To evaluate if collusion is a problem within the UK Construction Industry as reported a literature review was conducted to determine and establish the facts. This showed that there is a general problem of collusion and it is not exclusive to the Construction Industry or the UK alone.
After ascertaining there was a general problem within the Industry, it was necessary to determine if collusion was harmful to the UK Construction Industry, what risks and problems were encountered due to collusion and subsequent legally enforceable penalties. It also identifies ways of noting collusion and what motives people had for taking part in collusion.
The major determining factor here was better financial rewards that many considered outweighed the risk of getting caught. Interviews were then conducted with key personnel, responses analysed and it was found that although all respondents were aware of the main governing body that deals with collusive activities, the Office of Fair Trading, the majority were unaware of the powers they possess or punishments they could issue. The construction industry carries out a substantial number of projects in the public sector which is funded by taxpayers.
Therefore, it is the everyday person who is funding this cartel activity in the industry. It is for this reason and the findings of this dissertation that the author has proposed that the Office of Fair Trading should concentrate upon educating the parties involved in the construction processes making them more aware of what is considered collusion and what penalties they should expect if found guilty of participating.
- 15,000 words – 94 pages in length
- Excellent use of literature
- Good use of data analyses
- Good case study analysis
- Ideal for construction, property and building studies students
Rationale And Justification
Aim Of The Research
Objectives Of The Research
Literature Review
Cover bidding (or cover pricing)
Bid suppression
Bid rotation
Market division or sharing
Collusion within the Public Sector
Collusion within the Private Sector
Collusion within the Repair and Maintenance Sector
Development or Sale of Land Collusion
Collusion by Clients, Sub-Contractors and Suppliers
Time for the Office of Fair Trading to take Action
Risks and Penalties that Collusive parties may Face
Key Findings of The Literature Review
Research Path
Collective Administration and Response Rate
Designation of Sample Set
Personal Information
Defining Collusion
Is Collusion Harmful to the UK Construction Industry?
Is Collusion Prevalent within various sectors?
Ignorance and Ethics in connection with Collusive activities
Risks and Problems encountered due to collusion and subsequent Legally Enforceable Penalties
Is Collusion only happening in the UK Construction Industry?
Identification of Collusion and Motives with possible Solutions
Key Findings From The Study
Limitations And Possible Improvements
Further Areas Of Study and Recommendations
Implications To The UK Construction Industry And Parties Involved In Collusion
End Note