An Investigation into the Uptake of eProcurement Throughout the UK Construction Industry (2011)
eProcurement within the UK Construction Industry Dissertation – eProcurement has been distinguished as a tool which offers a range of prospective benefits to the user. However, the expected uptake of eProcurement within the UK construction industry has not been met (Martin 2003, 2008). Only a small percentage of documentation within the construction industry is electronically tendered and this has suggested that eProcurement is not currently favoured by the industry.
This dissertation aims to investigate the current status of the uptake of eProcurement throughout the construction industry, specifically contractors and sub-contractors, by examining the drivers and barriers involved. Drivers are factors which cause a specific occurrence to happen or develop, and a barrier can be categorised as a circumstance which prevents the occurrence taking place (Oxford English Dictionary).
By identifying these drivers and barriers, there will be potential to determine whether the barriers outweigh the drivers in regards to the implementation of eProcurement for contractors and subcontractors. To meet this aim, there are certain objectives which need to be recognised. The current uptake of eProcurement for contractors and subcontractors within the UK construction industry needs to be distinguished along with the most significant drivers and barriers for implementation.
The uptake between different disciplines and public and private sector work will also need to be analysed to discover if there are trends or problem areas preventing uptake. Lastly, it would be beneficial to realise if there are success factors or particular circumstances which allow full integration for the industry including contractors and subcontractors.
Reduced Costs, Convenience of Archiving Completed Work and Increased Quality. However, there are barriers which are preventing the uptake of eProcurement; Security of Transactions, Confidentiality and Resistance to Change. Through identifying the drivers and barriers which affect contractors and subcontractors, research has been embarked upon to help support findings from the key studies and has allowed new theories to emerge.
The results concur with the majority of the findings within the literature review. However, new themes have also developed which involve barriers in regards to new procurement rules for public sector work within the UK construction industry. The findings have provided extra information which adds to the full picture of eProcurement within the UK construction industry and it has been acknowledged that in certain circumstances, the barriers outweigh the drivers for application of eProcurement.
- 10,000 words – 60 pages in length
- Excellent use of literature
- Good in depth analysis
- Good analysis of the subject area
- Includes questionnaire and transcripts
- Ideal for building and construction students
1: Introduction
Rationale for Research
Aims and Objectives
Overview of Chapters
2: Literature Review
Traditional Procurement Processes
Reduced Costs
Convenience of Archiving Completed Work
Increased Quality Through Increased Accuracy
Sector Differences
Further Drivers
Security of Transactions
Regulatory Issues
Confidentiality of Information – Unauthorised viewing
Resistance to Change
Further Barriers
Construction Industry Adoption
3: Research Methods
Research Strategy
Data Collection
Primary Data Collection
The Survey Approach
The Case Study Approach
The Problem Solving Approach
Secondary Data Collection
Data Collection Technique
4: Selected Methodology
Research Strategy
Data Collection Approach
Data Collection Techniques
5: Data Collection, Results And Analysis
Telephone Interview
Interview A
Interview B
Research Limitations
6: Recommendations And Conclusion
Recommendations for further research
Reflection on Learning