Client perspectives of Private Finance Initiatives and Public Private Partnerships in UK Construction Projects (2012)
Impact of Private Finance Initiatives / Public Private Partnerships on the UK construction Industry Dissertation – The aim of this dissertation is to investigate the PFI / PPP scheme from the perspective of the client. In the first chapter the concept of PFI / PPP is considered to understand what the PFI / PPP is and what are the aims of such procurement routes. Then the history behind PFI / PPP is reviewed in order to understand how this type of scheme evolved. The impact and the scope of PFI / PPP are then studied to see how long the procurement process duration lasts and what is the volume of capital of such projects.
For a better understanding of PPP/PFI projects the scope of benefits and limitations of such procurement routes are identified from the literature. Finally the PFI / PPP contract procurement process is looked at to understand the role of the public sector within these projects. Many academic papers have argued that a reason to follow the PFI / PPP procurement route is that it is deemed to achieve the best VFM (value for money) in comparison with alternative procurement.
However there is extensive variance between all the stakeholders in their point of view of VFM. The public sector has a different understanding than the private sector of VFM and each use a different benchmark to reach VFM in the PFI concept. Therefore the key factors in creating VFM are going to be explored and a technique known as Value Money Index commonly used in the UK construction industry to provide a measure of project value is discussed.
PPP / PFI projects are prone to different sources of risk depending on the stage of the project life cycle (PLC). The risk management is explored within PFI / PPP projects throughout their life cycle. Also a catalogue of possible project risks in PFI / PPP projects is presented.
- 15,000 words – 56 pages in length
- Excellent use of literature
- Good case study analysis
- Well written throughout
- Ideal for construction management students
1 – Introduction
2 – Concept of Private Finance Initiatives / Public Private Partnerships
Introduction to PFI / PPP
Origin of PFI / PPP
Impact of PFI / PPP on the UK construction Industry
Scope of PFI / PPP on the UK construction Industry
Managerial Costs of PFI / PPP projects
Benefits and Limitations of PFI / PPP
PFI / PPP Contract procurement Process
3 – Value for Money in Private Finance Initiatives / Public Private Partnerships Projects
Rationale of Value for Money in PFI / PPP
Principle factors in creating VFM
Value for Money Index
Public Sector Comparator (PSC)
4 – Risk Management in Private Finance Initiatives / Public Private Partnerships Projects
Risk in PFI / PPP projects
Risk allocation PFI / PPP projects
5 – Critical Success Factors in Private Finance Initiatives / Public Private Partnerships Projects
6 – Case Studies
Case Study 1: Three Schools in Northern Ireland
PSC in the Three Schools in Northern Ireland
Methodology used to evaluate VFM in the PFI / PPP bids
Case Study 2: Public sectors attitude towards risk transfer in PFI / PPP projects in the UK
7 – Discussions
8 – Conclusion