How Effective Is The Close Out Process When Managing Construction Projects And Should Post Occupancy Evaluation Be Incorporated Into The Process? (2013)
Managing Construction Projects and the Close Out Process Dissertation – The aim of this dissertation is to research how project knowledge is transferred from projects and its impact on performance. To research how the project close out phase of construction projects is currently performed and weather Post Occupancy Evaluation (POE) should be incorporated formally into the Project Close Out. In order to achieve this aim, I researched the areas of knowledge management, POE and the Project Close Out processes. This was to evaluate the current thinking and gain a historical perspective into origins and current practice of POE in construction industry.
This research leads me to concur that the most appropriate research methodology would be qualitative in nature. This was to overcome the barriers and obstacles in getting to the underlying causes in the absence of significant verifiable data. The findings were presented in a segmented format so as to directly relate to the issues, which I uncovered in my literature review. The finding did confirm the apparent dichotomy on hand a genuine interest in discovering performance data but a marked reluctance to take part in any studies which would be published.
I also understood the fragmentation within the industry as a factor in the relative lack of real interaction at a strategic level on future developments and research. Moreover, the understanding of knowledge transfer within the construction industry and the structures to enable this, were highlighted as were methods to conduct POE. I must point out that some interesting solutions to the perceived barriers conducting were suggested. In making my recommendations, I suggest a further study as to the effectiveness and transferability of the existing methodologies of conducting POE’s to locate a method agreed across disciplines.
A reassessment of the close out phase of projects as described in the Project Management Book of Knowledge (PMBOK) to include formalised process of project evaluation. A review of the insurance and indemnity clauses in building contracts. The review of the architect’s plan of work to include a fee scale and detailed scope. The development of an industry forum to promote and review all practices.
The aims of this dissertation are:
- To research how project management knowledge, is transferred from projects and its impact on performance
- To research how the project closeout phase of construction projects is currently performed and whether POE should be incorporated formally into project close out as outlined in the project management book of knowledge (PMBOK) guide.
- 20,000 words – 78 pages in length
- Excellent use of literature
- Good analysis of subject area
- Well written throughout
- Includes questionnaire
- Ideal for construction management students
1 – Introduction
Origin and Background to the Research Issue
The Clients Perspective
Aims and Objectives
2 – Literature Review
The Process
Conceptual Framework
Knowledge Management
Organisational Learning
The Clients Perspective
Brief Development
Bridging the Void
The PMBOK Approach
Post Occupancy Evaluation (POE)
Existing POE Methodologies
Level of POE
Occupant Surveys
The Post Occupancy of Buildings and their Engineering (PROBE) Studies
Contractual Issues
Barriers to POE
Overcoming the Barriers
3 – Research Methodology
Epistemological Approach
Research Design
Data Collection
Questionnaire Layout
The Interviews
4 – Research Findings
The Context of the Findings
Knowledge of POE
Technical Reference
Benefits and Barriers to POE
The Clients Perspective
Knowledge Management (KM)
Information Sharing
Fragmentation of the Industry
Performance Measurement
5 – Conclusions and Recommendations