The Role and Influence of the Private Sector in Property Led Urban Regeneration (2013)

Urban regeneration has been a key element of post Second World War government policy. It is used to renew brownfield areas left barren by the departure of industry and where the government is now trying to attract new populations to previously unpopular areas. This dissertation is concerned with analyzing the role of private developers in partnership arrangements for urban regeneration and the role that community participation needs to play.

Governmental policy and trends among contemporary literature focuses on other bodies in this relationship and the private sector is often little mentioned in discussions. It aims to thoroughly review existing literature to analyse current thinking and examine if there is a counter-argument against this trend. Detailed interviews gave a realistic view on development. It was found that in reality the bodies involved don’t fall into easily defined sectors and take a view which is aware of the complexities of the process. Community participation is shown as being of limited use in brownfield development.

It determines that the private sector functions best when aware of what is required through detailed plans and is able to adapt to changing circumstances without interference. The objective of this project is to try to gain some understanding of how the private sector is treated in partnership arrangements. I aim to investigate if the public sector and other partners in regeneration projects are aware of the levels of risk that the private developer and investor are taking on board when they agree to participate in urban regeneration schemes.

I will to show that whilst much has been written on other partners in the process such as the local community and the public sector, the private sector has been under-analysed by academics and government organisations. I aim to go some way towards rectifying this situation and show that the private sector does not just play a financial role but can also help to improve social and longer-term values for the area being improved. I will use the Granton Waterfront project which is one of Europe’s largest brownfield development sites as a case study to show how modern property-led urban regeneration projects have adapted to new circumstances and have learnt from past projects.

  • 15,000 words – 48 pages in length
  • Excellent use of literature
  • Good analysis of subject area
  • Well written throughout
  • Ideal for real estate management students

1 – Introduction
Aims and Objectives
Disciplinary Relevance
Case Study

2 – Methodology

3 – Academic Background and Literature Review
History and rationale for urban redevelopment
Partnership and community participation: current thinking
Views against the contemporary thinking on the private sector in partnership and participation
The role of location specifics such as brownfield and waterfront development
Conclusions reached

4 – Case Study
A brief history
Plans for regeneration

5 – Findings
Ease of development
Community involvement
Land user

6 – Conclusions


Urban Regeneration and the Private Sector Dissertation
Urban Regeneration and the Private Sector Dissertation

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