Sustainable Construction in School Projects (2012)
Sustainable Construction in School Projects Dissertation – The population is growing with increasing needs and resources reducing with decreased supply. Every resource from energy to water is under threat. The more and more resources are misused; we are forwarding ourselves towards the danger. Hence it is important to take steps towards the right direction and the answer is sustainability. Being from the construction industry the energy consumption of the built Environment is considered in this dissertation.
With more and more strategies implemented by the Coalition Government, it has to be followed by the members of the industry. This dissertation looks up to what extend this is being followed and what are the gaps between the academics and the current practices. The dissertation explores the government strategies and what is the role of the construction industry in energy consumption. The current practices is highlighted by means of case studies of three successful exemplar sustainable schools and also by interviews taken for the industry professionals.
The dissertation analysis the current scenario and highlights the limitations as to where measures can be taken for the successful implementation of sustainable construction. With the understanding that the working and practices carried out in the construction industry varies for every project, to achieve a completely sustainable approach is a difficult task. With this knowledge the first effort to achieve sustainable construction is by understanding the current practices in the built environment and particularly in the school building and highlighting the efforts made on already existing successful sustainable school projects.
The aim of such practices will be contribute towards the achievement of sustainability. With the difference in the academic world and the actual practice in the construction industry the need for implementing a best practice is a big issue. Hence the dissertation would examine the efforts made into achieving a sustainable construction in the various school projects. Dissertation aim and objectives:
- To examine factors determining how Sustainable practices could be implemented in construction activity in the built environment
- To examine the levels of enlightenment on new sustainable technologies/materials in the construction production process if they are practicable at the moment and their application for school projects
- To present an opinion of what are the gaps between the academic and current practices of sustainability
- To examine the possibility of adopting a best practice in terms of design and construction methods for making a sustainable school building in future
- 17,000 words – 82 pages in length
- Excellent use of literature
- Good analysis of subject area
- Well written throughout
- Ideal for construction management students
1 – Introduction
Rationale for the study
Aim and Objectives
Research Methodology
Dissertation Structure
2 – Literature Review
Brief history of sustainability awareness
Sustainable Development
Concepts of Sustainable Construction
Sustainable Construction
The state of current sustainable practices in the UK
Application of sustainable construction
Sustainable practice important for school structures
Sustainable Construction Materials
Sustainable Procurement
Sustainable Design
Energy Management
Waste Management
Whole life costing
3 – Research Methodology
Research Methodology
Reason for Qualitative Research
Data Collection Strategies
Case studies
Case Study Selection
Interviewees Selection
Research Questions
4 – Data Collection, Analysis and Discussion
Case studies
Sustainable design and construction elements
Sustainable construction materials
Energy Management
Water Management
Waste Management
Whole Life Costing
Sustainability and Sustainable Construction
Sustainability against time, cost and quality for the project success
Difference between Sustainable and non-sustainable school construction
Drivers for Sustainable Construction
Difficulties in Sustainable Construction
New Technologies For Sustainable Construction
Best Practice for Sustainable Construction
BREEAM Rating System
Zero-Carbon Efforts
5 – Discussion and Conclusion
Lessons Learned
Importance of Sustainability
Limitation in Sustainability Implementations
Reflections of Learning