UK Market Barriers in the Supply of Building Integrated Photovoltaics By 2020 (2014)

Building Integrated Photovoltaics Dissertation – In order to meet the UK targets for renewable energy and allow the Government to fulfil its obligations to the EU’s 20/20 energy directive the rationale for this research was to identify the current market barriers in the supply of Building Integrated Photo Voltaic systems (BIPV). These targets would increase the overall energy generated from renewable sources in the UK from its 2005 level of 1.3% to 15% by the year 2020. However, the development of both the energy and renewables sectors possesses a number of key challenges such as the development of adequate technology and public policy systems.

The aim of this study was to determine to what extent current market barriers depend on the development of adequate technology and public policy systems and to evaluate how these barriers might be overcome. To achieve this aim this research employed a qualitative exploratory design strategy as it facilitated emergent research that enabled changes to be made as the study developed and deepened.

On a theoretical level this study used contingency theory as a framing device since this open systems approach was suited to emergent research for social constructs such as sustainability and economic markets. The collection of data used in the primary research also utilised the ‘grounded theory’ of Habermas as a theoretical sampling device, which involved nine semi-structured in depth interviews from a limited purposive group of BIPV stakeholders. While from an epistemological viewpoint the overall paradigm was informed by the thinking of Heidegger.

The primary purpose of using these framing devices was to illuminate the data and not, merely, to generate theories. The results of this research demonstrated that the causes of certain market barriers, such as the flippant manner in which BIPV technology is generally portrayed by the UK media, is actually rooted in other barriers such as the structure and dissemination of information. Furthermore, this study effectively illustrated that in order to remove these market barriers a synthesis of thinking is required by all of those involved.

Finally, the study also challenged the underlying assumptions behind many of the existing UK market barriers and deducted that BIPV technology is currently undervalued. The study concluded by making several recommendations for further research and also highlighted where both the Government and industry can make strategic improvements over the short, medium and longer term.

  • 25,000 words – 76 pages in length
  • Excellent use of literature
  • Good analysis of subject area
  • Well written throughout
  • Ideal for quantity surveying and construction students

1: Introduction
Research Goal or Overall Research Question
Research Objectives
Outline Methodology
Dissertation Structure

2: The Photovoltaics Market
Preface to Literature Review
The PV World Market
The European PV Market and Climate Change
The Stern Review: The Economics of Climate Change
Climate Change and Global Energy Balance
Energy Data and Calculations for Renewable Technologies
Market Potential for BIPVs
Market Barriers for BIPVs

3: Photovoltaic Technology
Overview of Solar Radiation and UK Net Yields
Overview of PV and Solar Thermal Systems
Integrating BIPV Systems with the National Grid
Components of a Typical BIPV Grid-Connected System
PV Manufacturing Technology: Where We Are Now?
PV design and Computer Power
Learning Curves

4: Legislation and Policies
R&D and Public Policy
EU Policy and Market Liberalization
Policy Instruments and the Electricity Market
Policy Instruments and Building Regulation
Synthesis of Thinking for Policies
Climate Change Act – A New Policy Paradigm

5: Research Methodology
Research Design Strategy
Theoretical Claims for Research Methods
Mixed Methods Research
Validity of Qualitative Research
Semi-Structured In-Depth Interview
Data Collection and Sampling Techniques
Theoretical Sampling
Methodological Limitations to the Research

6: Data Collection and Analysis
Selection of Stakeholders and Profile of Interviewees
Process of Data Collection
Data Analysis and Key Findings
General Barriers
Technology and Economics
Policy and Administration

7: Conclusions and Recommendations
General Barriers
Technology and Economics
Policy and Administration


Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV) Dissertation
Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV) Dissertation

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