The Importance of Experience in Project Managers when Managing Project Complexity – A Study into the UAE (2016)
Managing Project Complexity within the UAE Construction Dissertation – Traditionally, a success of a project lays on the shoulder of project managers and its achievement is constantly measured by the properties of cost, time and quality, which appear to be a simple way of measuring in present construction industry. Interest for project management is becoming fundamental. Yet, projects keep on failing at an astounding rate.
This research has investigated the education level of project managers in managing project complexity, by understanding the current educational level of project managers and also to understand whether advanced education is required before achieving the designation of project manager. This research also investigates the leadership qualities and skills required for project manager to handle complex project. This research was done in 2 steps; first step of the research is to review the literature.
The literature review consists of project success, complexity, background experience, skills, leadership qualities and education. Second step is to conduct an online survey by preparing 20 questions and is sent to 50 selected project managers and directors of different companies and sectors. Out of 50, 31 responded to the survey.
After analyzing the results from survey, it was found that most of the project managers have not achieved any advanced education before achieving the designation and their current education emphasized more on engineering – technical aspects and less on management aspects. The project managers who had advanced education were given more importance to hard skills (which are scope, time, quality and cost) and soft skills (which are communication, social, conflict management, etc.).
In this dissertation, many project managers had different view on project complexity. However, most of them stated that the factors relating to complexity are due to financial problems, uncertain designs and no proper construction details. Finally, the dissertation has been concluded by saying that advanced education is required for project manager to manage uncertainty and complexity. However having experience is one of the most important factors in addition with education for project success.
Dissertation Objectives
- To investigate the educational level in project managers and to understand their abilities in adapting with change in project complexity
- To understand the skills and experience needed to become a project manager and for project success
- To measure project success in complexity
- To understand the leadership qualities required for project success
- 15,000 words – 74 pages in length
- Excellent use of literature
- Excellent analysis of subject area
- Well written throughout
- Includes questionnaire
- Ideal for construction project management students
1 – Introduction
Research Methodology
2 – Project Success
3 – Complexity
Complexity in Construction
Measuring complexity in construction
4 – Project Manager’s Experience and Skills Required for Project Success
Project Manager’s Experience
Project management skills
Required skills for managing complexity
5 – Leadership in Project Managers for Project Success
Leadership in Construction Industry
Different Leadership challenges faced in Complexity
Leadership Styles and Competencies in Construction
Political skills, Leadership and Project success
Modern Leadership in Construction Industry
6 – Education for Project Managers
Challenges faced in project management training and education
Evolution of project management and project managers
Approaches in educating project managers
Advanced training in educating project manager
7 – Research Methodology and Design
Research Methodology
Survey Questionnaire
8 – Data Results and Analysis
Data Results
Data Analysis
9 – Conclusion and Recommendations