Importance of Sustainability in Modern Day Quantity Surveying Processes and Procedures (2018)
Sustainability in Modern Day Quantity Surveying Dissertation – The dissertation research is focused on sustainability practices in design and construction process. The fundamental aim of this dissertation is to assess the efforts that the Quantity Surveyors put in order to implement sustainability within their profession and how it will play a crucial role in construction industry. The research will help the quantity surveyors to improve sustainability in construction industry by recommending new strategies and tools.
The construction industry plays an important role in global level for attaining sustainability. The economic, social and environmental aspects of sustainability should be considered while delivering projects in construction industry. With population growth, the demand for large-scale infrastructure/ building projects has been increasing. Also with earth’s dwindling resources and carbon emissions, it means quantity surveyors play a vital role in ensuring developments are sustainable, reusable and low energy. Sustainability has emerged as one of the most important considerations within the construction industry while tendering and constructing a project.
Quantity Surveyors play an important role within the industry and have a professional obligation to consider sustainability. As part of any construction project, a quantity surveyor has to ensure that they promote sustainability considering all aspects. Construction, building technology and maintenance costs , estimating and budgeting , tendering, cost control and reporting, managing building operations, life cycle costs, understanding building components and functionality, procuring goods, services and leases, managing contracts and sub-contracts, facilities management etc. are core responsibilities for many quantity surveyors to ensure the sustainability of buildings.
Dissertation Objectives
- To identify the importance of sustainability
- Examine the current quantity surveying processes and procedures
- To identify the efforts of Quantity Surveyors in implementing the sustainability
- To identify areas of further development
- 12,000 words – 50 pages in length
- Excellent use of literature
- Excellent of subject area
- Well written throughout
- Includes questionnaire
- Ideal for quantity surveying students
1 – Introduction
Rationale of the Research
Outline of research methodology
Dissertation structure
2 – Sustainable Construction
Sustainable Construction
Impact of construction activities on Environment
Implementation of Sustainable Construction
Challenges of Adopting Sustainable Construction Practices
3 – Role of Quantity Surveyor in Implementing Sustainability
Quantity Surveyor and Sustainability
Emerging Role of QS
Sustainability Literacy among QS
Future Role of Quantity Surveyor
Challenges faced by Quantity Surveyor
4 – Research Methodology
Research strategies
Qualitative approach
Quantitative approach
Mixed approach
Research Rationale
Literature review
5 – Results and Analysis of Questionnaire
Questionnaire result and analysis
6 – Conclusions and Recommendations
Recommendations for future research and development