A Comparable Analysis into the Role of Construction Project Management Practices in Libya and the UK (2015)
Construction Project Management Practices in Libya and the UK Dissertation – In recent years, the Libyan construction sector has experienced many issues particularly a shortage in affordable and decent housing and widespread construction project failure due to inadequate project management practices. The purpose of this dissertation is to investigate the role of project management practices in Libya compared to the UK to avoid time and cost overruns of construction projects.
A mixture of primary and secondary data collection methods are used to achieve this aim where primary data is collected through survey method. The findings of the dissertation suggest that Libyan construction industry is different from the UK in terms of not adequately practicing most of the project management practices. A majority of construction participants agreed that such practices are inherent to avoid the cost/time overruns but some problematic factors are hindering the implementation of those practices in Libya.
Some of the critical factors include changes in the scope of the project, lack of knowledge, skills and experience, fear of change, lack of top management commitment, and excessive bureaucracy. The paper concludes with a set of recommendations to Libyan construction sector explaining how they can adopt modern project management practices undertaken in developed countries particularly in the UK to avoid the cost/time overruns.
The core aim of this dissertation is to investigate the role of Project Management (PM) practices in the UK and Libya to avoid construction time/cost overruns. To achieve this aim, a comparative study is conducted to find out the differences and similarities between UK and Libyan construction industries on the basis of utilising PM practices to avoid chronic issues like cost and time overruns. The research questions to achieve underlying aim of the research are drafted below:
- To what extent, PM practices used in the Libyan construction industry are different or similar from those utilised in UK construction industry
- Which factors hinder the adoption of significant PM practices in the Libyan construction industry?
- How Libya can adopt modern PM practices to avoid construction cost/time overruns?
- 20,000 words – 66 pages in length
- Excellent use of literature
- Excellent of subject area
- Well written throughout
- Includes questionnaire
- Ideal for construction project management students
1 – Introduction
Research Background
Research Problem and Rationale
Research Aim
Research Questions
2 – Literature Review
Overview of UK and Libyan Construction Industries
Construction Industry in Global Context
Construction Industry of Libya
Construction Industry of the United Kingdom
Construction Project Management
The Construction Project Lifecycle
The General Construction Process
Causes of Time/Cost Overruns in Construction Industry
Libyan Perspective
UK Perspective
Project Management Practices in Construction Projects
Risk Management
Value Management
Sustainable Construction
Supply Chain Management
Lean Construction
Benefits of Project Management Practices
Factors that Hinder the Adoption of Project Management Practices
3 – Research Methodology
Philosophy of the Research
Research Design
Research Approach
Qualitative versus Quantitative
Deductive versus Inductive
Research Methods
Methods used for Data Collection
Limitations of the Research Methods
Reliability and Validity of Data
Data Analysis
Sample and Population of the Study
Sample Size Determination
Resources Used
Research Ethics
Research Limitations
4 – Results and Analysis
Description of Acquired Data
Data Reliability Test
Respondent’s Designation
Type of Construction Projects
Number of Projects Time/Cost Overrun
Causes of Time/Cost Overrun Projects
Importance of Project Management Practices
Use of Project Management Practices
Benefits of Project Management Practices
Adequacy of Project Management Practices
Factors Affecting the Adoption of Modern Project Management Practices
5 – Discussion on Findings
Causes of Time and Cost Overruns
Similarities and Differences between Libyan and UK Project Management Practices
Factors that Hinder the Adoption of Project Management Practices
6 – Conclusion
Set of Recommendations
Research Limitations
Future Directions