What Makes A Successful Organisation? A Search And Review Of The Concepts, Tools And Approaches That May Contribute To The Success Of An Organisation, And Their Relationships With Each Other (2005)

What Makes A Successful Organisation? – This dissertation highlights the key characteristics, which appear to define success to an organisation and the characteristics, tools, concepts or practices that are perceived to be the important underlying contributors to that success. The basis of this report is a purposely-designed questionnaire (Primary data), information from published literature and options obtained from several other secondary sources including web pages and magazines (Secondary data).

The dissertation defines success as Competitive advantage, Financial performance, Flexibility, Resource utilization, Quality of service, Profitability, market share, staff turn over, Long term survival and high productivity. And the contributing concepts, tools and factors and factors to be Innovation, Market orientation and T.Q.M incorporating many principles and characteristics of benchmarking, Quality assurance, B.P.R, Integrated business systems and the Internet, in terms of links, conflicts and relationships between these factors the dissertation summaries that they are many. These are highlighted, interpreted and presented in the report.

  • 23,000 words – 124 pages in length
  • Excellent use of literature
  • Excellent use of business models
  • Includes full questionnaire
  • Ideal for business management students

1 Introduction

2 Literature Review

3 Methodology
Secondary Research
Primary Research

4 Origins of Organisational Management – (The Guru’s)
Fredrick. W. Taylor
Dr. W. Edward Deming
Dr. Joseph. M. Juran
Dr. V. Feigenbaum
Kaoru Ishikawa

5 Benchmarking
The process of benchmarking is divided into seven phases
How Benchmarking contributes to a companies success

6 Innovation
Elements of Innovation
Application of Innovation
Organisational development based on Innovation
QUOTES – (That captures the essence of innovation)

7 TQM – Key requirements and objectives 10.2 Limitations
How Total quality management and Quality focus can contribute to the success of an Organisation

8 Quality assurance systems
Business Process Redesign
How BPR Differs from TQM
Table 1. Process Improvement (TQM) versus Process Innovation (BPR) From Davenport (1993)

9 Integrated Business systems a.k.a. E.R.P
The Internet

10 Core Competencies and Capabilities Focus
Examples and cases

11 Marketing orientation

12 Analysis and Evaluation – (Primary research – Questionnaire)
Conclusion of Primary research

13 Links, conflicts, similarities and relationships that appear occur between the various concept, tools and approaches highlighted by the literature review
Summary of Relationships
There appear to be no links between the following concepts
Matrix of support and conflict

14 Recommendations
Identifying Best practice. –What does make a successful organisation?

15 Final Conclusion Bibliography and references

Aim of questionnaire
Interpretation of scores
Prompt list
Cover letter
Phone approach script
Questionnaire approach list


What Makes A Successful Organisation Dissertation
What Makes A Successful Organisation Dissertation

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