Strategic Information System Planning In Investment Banks (2010)
Strategic Information System Planning In Investment Banks – Even though there is a wealth of published literature on SIS planning, not many experimental studies have been carried out and the few that are still here today are non-industry specific. This study looks at the practice of SIS planning in investment banks located in the city of London and also on a study carried out in Singapore in the 1990s.
The way the data was collected was by using a questionnaire that was sent to all experts involved in the SIS planning with the exceptions of CIOs. I decided to choose three of the top ten investment banks in the city to take part of this study. I sent out 10 questionnaires via email and all 10 were received back, but only 6 of these were usable. Most of the participants involved showed that Strategic IS planning were used by their companies; but the level of top management involvement was average (50%).
This findings are conflicting because of the number of studies and other literature that carried out puts pressure on the link between the top levels of management involved in the SIS process and the levels of success/achievement gathered.
- 12,000 words – 69 pages in length
- Excellent use of literature
- Good in depth analysis
- Well written throughout
- Ideal for business and IT students
- Includes questionnaire
1. Introduction
What are Strategic information systems?
Strategic information systems planning
2. Literature Review
SISP & Porter’s five forces model
Criticism of SISP
Competitive advantage
Maintain competitive advantage
Successful strategic information system planning
Role of SISP in choice of strategy
Concerns & barriers
3. Research Methodology
Research strategy
4. Discussion Of Research Findings
IT intensity
Development & update
Executive responsibility and level of plan approval
Planning methodologies, participation & satisfaction
Degree of participation
Contents if SIS plan
Planning objectives and other objectives and their perceived attainment
Summary of findings
The strategic IS plan and Porter’s five force model
SISP success
5. Conclusions And Recommendations
Areas for future research