The Revised Combined Code And Corporate Governance – An Empirical Study Of FTSE 350 Companies In The Travel And Leisure Industry
The author seeks to identify trends in compliance with the revised Combined Code of Corporate Governance in 2003 with emphasis on provisions regarding NEDs through the study of annual reports published for the 3 consecutive years after the implementation of the revised Combined Code of Corporate Governance.
The compliance with revisions made to the Code in 2006 regarding the composition of the remuneration committee will also be accounted for. The results gathered will be discussed against theoretical frameworks to indicate whether companies are pursuing an agency theorist‟s perspective or a resource dependence theorist‟s perspective to the role of NEDs.
- 10,000 words – 75 pages in length
- Excellent use of literature
- Good in depth analysis
- Expertly written throughout
- Ideal for business, accounting and finance students
1. Introduction
Research overview
Research objectives
Research question
Research outline
2. Literature review
Agency theory
The revised Combined Code of Corporate Governance 2003
Separation of the roles of Chairman and CEO, and the independent Chairman
Board composition
Resource dependence theory
CEO duality
The role of NEDs
3. Methodology and methods
Phenomenology versus positivism
Inductive versus deductive
Primary versus secondary data
Importance of secondary research
Data collection
Data analysis
Disambiguating rules
Ethical issues
4. Analysis and discussion
Overall analysis of the 6 key provisions
Separation of the roles of Chairman and CEO
The independent Chairman
Board balance
Nomination committee
Remuneration committee
Audit committee
5. Synopsis and conclusions
Final comments
Separation of the role of Chairman and CEO
The independent Chairman
Board balance
Nomination committee
Remuneration committee
Audit committee
Limitations of research
Further research
6. Appendices
Non-compliant companies
Sample companies
NED independence test
Data tables
Data tables: company specific
Notes to data
Disambiguating rules
Statement of learning