Are Entrepreneurs Born Or Made? (2008)
Entrepreneurs Born Or Made Dissertation – The aim of this study is to develop and support previous theory as well as answer the question Are Entrepreneurs Born or Are They Made? In progressing this, the author researched into a variety of different sources including both primary and secondary data. The secondary information led the author to comprise a number of different hypotheses where the primary research was then focused.
The research concluded that entrepreneurs are mainly born rather than made, stating that entrepreneurial characteristics are more visible in the entrepreneur‟s personality in comparison to others. The findings portray this general understanding but also states for these results to be completely reliable then further research may be needed.
The topic was chosen due to the increasing interest of entrepreneurship and in particular the entrepreneur‟s personality and traits. Entrepreneurship has become a very modern research topic for economists and business persons worldwide with suggestion that further study is needed.
This research study aims to provide an understanding of the existing theories surrounding entrepreneurship and also to further complement the existing theory based around the area. This will be done by investigating into theories on entrepreneur characteristics, environmental/social issues and looking to whether entrepreneurship can be taught.
In the literature review, theories such as McClelland’s theory of achievement and Rotters theory of locus of control will be touched upon. Through primary research (questionnaire/interview), it looks to establish, if at all a distinguished difference between those entrepreneurs who are born to who are made. Finally, a conclusion will hopefully be raised in assessing whether entrepreneurs are actually born or whether they are made.
- 11,000 words – 65 pages in length
- Excellent use of literature
- Excellent in depth analysis
- Well written throughout
- Ideal for business and enterprise student
- Includes questionnaire
1 – Introduction
Focus of Study
Aims and Objectives
2 – Literature Review
Entrepreneurs Defined
Can we define the entrepreneur’s characteristics?
A more sociological approach to entrepreneurship
Impetus for entrepreneurship characteristics
Impetus for Entrepreneurship
Situational Characteristics
Can we teach entrepreneurship?
Are Entrepreneurs born or made?
3 – Methodology
Research Methods
Quantitative vs. Qualitative
Primary vs. Secondary
Self Completion Questionnaire
Questionnaire Development
Semi Structured Interview
Sample Group
Ethical Issues
4 – Findings and Analysis
Initial Findings
Hypotheses Testing
Hypotheses 1 – 5
Questionnaire Summary
Interview Summary
5 – Synthesis
Analysis of Hypotheses
6 – Conclusions
Recall of Objectives
Investigation Findings
Limitations of the Study
Recommendations for Further Research
Appendix Section