Supermarkets Versus Wet Market: An Investigation Into Chinese Consumerism

Chinese Consumerism Dissertation – Since the 1990s economic reform, China’s retail sales has kept increasing exponentially and a large number of western supermarkets have been built up in this country. However, after more than ten years‟ expanding and developing, western supermarkets fail to win the major share in China’s retailing market. A substantial proportion of total revenues are still accounted by traditional wet markets.

This fact may be unbelievable to most people. This paper attempts to provide an understanding of Chinese consumers, find out the reasons why they prefer wet markets rather than western supermarkets. Literature review provides the concept of consumer behaviour as well as the models on consumers’ decision making. The primary research focuses on the population in south-eastern China and attempts to find out how the internal and external factors would influence their decisions.

The findings suggest two main reasons why Chinese consumers favour wet markets over supermarket: western supermarkets can not fit Chinese consumers’ needs well because of cultural differences; customers are difficult to access to these large supermarkets duo to the limitations of distribution. The limitations of research caused by the sample and research area should be in consideration for further study.

  • 10,000 words – 92 pages in length
  • Excellent use of literature
  • Interesting topic
  • Good in depth analysis
  • Includes questionnaire
  • Ideal for business students

1 – Introduction
Why to choose this topic
Wet market versus supermarket
Chapter outline

2 – Literature Review
Reason for studying consumer behaviour
Models of consumer behaviour
The factors that influence consumer behaviour
Previous research

3 – Methodology
Secondary research
Philosophy of science
Primary research
Limitations of research
Further research
Ethical consideration

4 – Findings
Internal factors
External factors
Some comparisons

5 – Discussion
Similarities and differences with previous research
The internal influences
The external influences
Identify the most significant influences

6 – Conclusion
Final points
Further study




Chinese Consumerism Dissertation
Chinese Consumerism Dissertation

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