Consumer Expectations and Perceptions in the Retail Property Market in London

In this research we analyzed the? consumer perception and expectation in the retail property market in London. The methodology allows us identify the main independent concepts or attributes which describe the customer perception of a specific property expressed in his own words.

These attributes are according to the influence of the consumer on the overall opinion in order to quantify their relative importance. A quantitative model for forecasting an overall assessment from symbolic attributes could be obtained. The research also provides a quantitative way of predicting the success of a specific property on sale by evaluating the main factors that condition it. Moreover, an elaborated comparative analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of different competing properties could also be made.

Thе objective of the study is to examine the factors that the customers think influence their perception about the retail property market. This is achieved by comparing the views of the real estate managers and customers aѕ to the importance of the various attributes r strengths campaigned by the latter. In the process, the study aims to discover if the attributes considered important by the customers are congruous with the attributes campaigned by the real estate agency firms.

This study will be of interest to real estate firms who provide agency services aѕ it will highlight to them the needs and expectations of customers in London. Many studies have attempted to find aѕassociations between the physical characteristics of firms and customers reaction. Thеre are therefore many studies on the evaluation of a particular aspect of a building including, fоr example, customers preferences in architectural styles, roof shape, decoration on the facade, and even how the property’s age affects observers’ opinions.

However, although the studies analyze specific physical attributes, they do not include an in-depth analysis of the structure of customers’ reactions and how that relates to their overall assessment.

  • 10,000 words – 62 pages in length
  • Excellent use of literature
  • Good in depth analysis
  • Well written throughout
  • Includes questionnaire
  • Ideal for business students

Rational fоr the Research
Objective of the Research
Outline of the Paper

Literature Review
Significance of Retail Property
Organisations and their Goals
Organisations and their Stakeholders
Performance Measurement Systems

Research Methodology
Rationale of the Methods
Reliability and Validity
Ethical Issues
Data Collection
Data Analysis
Assumptions and Limitation

Results and Findings
Demographic Distribution
Analysis of the Questionnaire
Identifying Semantic Axes
Comparative Analysis: Semantic Profiles

Conclusion and Recommendation


Retail Property Market in London Dissertation
Retail Property Market in London Dissertation

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