Samsung Corporation and the IT Compatible Supplies Industry: An In-Depth Analysis of the Impact of Brand Image and Its Relevance to Consumer Choice
Samsung Corporation and the IT Compatible Supplies Industry Dissertation – Many thousands of words have been written espousing the importance of branding for organisations seeking commercial success in today’s 21st century marketplace. The aim of this dissertation is to analyse the effect branding has on consumer decision making within a particular vertical market; the compatible inkjet and laser supplies industry and whether offering a brand really influences the purchasing decision or for this market, whether price is the only determinant factor.
This dissertation study is intended to be a comprehensive one, covering a single organisation / multi functional area within (ADL) and will attempt to analyse the problems of brand positioning, subsequent analysis on consumer effects and confer recommendations. The overall aim of the research undertaken therefore had two key objectives:
- To fundamentally address the question of the viability of introducing a branding concept into, what perhaps could be perceived, as a mature price orientated market.
- To critically evaluate current thinking underpinning research into this area when applied to a real world situation.
- 12,000 words – 64 pages in length
- Good use of literature
- Good in depth analysis
- Well written throughout
- Ideal for business students
- Includes questionnaire
1. Introduction
Rational Behind Study
Overall Aims of Dissertation
Background to X/X/X Distribution Ltd (ADL)
Background to Samsung Corporation (SC)
2. Overview of the compatible supplies industry
Dominant Economic factors of the Laser and Inkjet Supplies Market
Market share of the leading OEM’s by installed printer base
Global Competitor ranking
Key competitor mapping
3. Concept of Branding, its history and the philosophical debate
Why brands matter
Constituents of successful brand development
Adding and creating value through brands
Private Label Marketing
4. Research Undertaken
Research Methodology
Schematic of the investigative process following establishment of sampling frame
Sampling method, Frame and Data Set
Respondents – Breakdown by category
Triangulation of results
Data Collection Methods and Techniques
5. Results – An Interpretative Approach
Comparative of overall results received against sampling frame
Analysis of other respondents
6. Conclusions
Aim one: The question of viability of the introduction of a branding concept
Aim two: A critical evaluation of current thinking on the importance of branding
Implication following examination of current theories
Branding of commodities
7. Recommendations
Key areas identified from research
Suggestions for improvements
Questions for Consideration
Organisational Vacuums – A comment
8. Reflections
The application of the research process
Project objectives – definition and fulfillment suitability
Planning of research and subsequent execution
Management competencies learnt
Recommendations for potential project improvements