A Review into Project Theoretical Concepts and Models in Regards to the Management of Change and Conflict (2011)

Change and Conflict Management MBA Dissertation – A Project Manager to maximise his skills must learn from and grow with each experience in his daily duties. How is this learning to take place? The Author is a Senior Commercial Manager in Network Rail undertaking a complex and high risk new technology project. The responsibility undertaken by the Author includes the commercial management of the project for successful delivery as well as assisting the Project Manager as ‘right hand man’ undertaking his duties when required.

Change and conflict management is an essential technique in the Project Management profession due to the ever increasing complex nature of projects in an ever competitive market. Therefore this dissertation will by means of reflective practice examine change and conflict management practices within a new technology project. Change and conflict management techniques are reflected upon due to their intrinsic link to one another.

This is a bold statement however the Author seeks to establish whether any issues can arise from change that does not in one way or another involve a form or level of conflict, either constructive or destructive. There are various change and conflict management processes and theoretical concepts and models available to project managers but which one do you choose and would they be effective? Key change issues and resulting conflicts within a new technology project are identified and the process is documented via the use of learning logs throughout the project life cycle for critical evaluation against theoretical concepts and models that are reviewed and discussed. Can any new effective and efficient improvements be made? If so how?

Conclusions and recommendations and a new improvised model for change are made to support how more effective changes can be made. Conclusions and recommendations are made from the reflective learning outcomes and how.

  • 19,000 words – 90 pages in length
  • Good use of literature
  • Good in depth analysis
  • Well written throughout
  • Ideal for business and project management students

Network Rail – the organisation
The Author – Subject of Reflection
The Role and Responsibilities of an NR Project Manager
Guide to Railway Investment Projects (GRIP)
The Vital FDM Project
Why commission the Project?
Project Objectives
Key Stakeholders
Reflective Practice Dissertation – Personal Learning Objectives and Structure

Relevant Theory (CHANGE)
Introduction to Change Management
The Process of Change Management
The APM Change Process
The Network Rail Change Process
Change Management Concepts and Models
Formula for Change
Kotter’s Eight Steps
Six Change Approach
Personal skills, tools & technique

Relevant Theory (CONFLICT)
Introduction to Conflict Management
Conflict Management Concepts and Models
Theory of the Cause of Conflict
Levels of Conflict
Conflict Management the APM Way
3-Step Turnbull Process
McSwain & Treadwell 5 Styles of Conflict Management
Personal skills, tools & technique

Reflective Practice – A Quick Introduction
Reflective Practice Theory
Fish and Coles (1998)
Schon (1983)
Kolb (1984)
Key Principles of the Methodology

Practice Experience
GRIP Stage 1-3: Output Definition, Pre-Feasibility, Option Selection
GRIP Stage 4 and 5: Single Option Development and Detailed Design
GRIP Stage 6: Construction, Testing & Commissioning
GRIP Stage 7-8: Scheme Handback and Project Close Out

Results Achieved and Next Steps
Summary of where the project has got to
Way forward for the Project and its Management

Critical Reflection
Project Management Theory into Practice
Change Management
Conflict Management
Personal skills, tools & techniques
Change Management
Change Management
The Process of Reflection and Learning
The Process of Reflection and Learning
Concluding Reflections


Change and Conflict Management MBA Dissertation
Change and Conflict Management MBA Dissertation

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