An Analysis into Online Shopping Factors Affecting Customer Satisfaction – A Case Study of Taobao (2012)
With the rapid development of the Internet, the online shopping industry is continually evolving and expanding in attempt to formulate a competitive advantage over traditional high street stores. How to build a continual competitive advantage and a solid foundation in the growing Internet market place has become a focal point for many online stores. Customer satisfaction can create value for enterprises, which is not only an important source for business to increase profits, but also an important means of corporate strategic management. Therefore, the study takes Taobao, the representative of C2C trading model as the research object to analyse the factors affecting customer satisfaction.
Research results indicate that website design, website product, website security and website service have positive influences on customer satisfaction, of which website product exerts the most significant impact while website security has the least influences. Reason for this might be that product is the key factor considered by consumers when choosing shopping websites and only the products selling on the websites ensure high quality and plenty of options with low prices can motivate consumers to pay a visit.Consumer concern in their online trading about website security is relatively lower is because they think both the banks and shopping websites have related security measures.
Therefore, E-commerce enterprises can promote customer satisfaction through improving website design, website product, website security and website service such as that E-commerce enterprises should primarily design its website according to the principle of usability without attempting to engage customers in registering or loading instantly when they click on purchase, but use cookies technology to record the products they select, provide a vast range of products so that various customers can gain access to satisfactory products at reasonable prices, assume the responsibility of protecting customer privacy, and never use their individual information for other commercial purposes, make satisfactory responses to customers’ puzzles, emails or complaints carefully and in time, and solve their problems quickly and effectively. The research objectives are as follows:
- To examine the effect website design has on Taobao customer satisfaction
- To examine the effect website commodity has on Taobao customer satisfaction
- To examine the effect website security has on Taobao customer satisfaction
- To examine the effect website service has on Taobao customer satisfaction
- 20,000 words – 72 pages in length
- Excellent use of literature
- Excellent statistical analysis
- Well written throughout
- Includes survery questions
- Ideal for international business students
1 – Introduction
Research background
Rational of this study
Structure of the dissertation
2 – Literature Review
Internet retailing
Definition of Internet retailing
Definition of Internet Store
Classifications for online stores
Motives for online shopping
Demand motives of consumers
Psychological motives of consumers
Specific motives of consumers
Customer satisfaction
Definition of customer satisfaction
Summary of customer satisfaction concept
Types of customer satisfaction
Customer satisfaction measurement
Factors that affect website customer satisfaction
Factors affecting customer satisfaction
Factors affecting website customer satisfaction
Research model and hypothesis
Research model
Impacts of website design on customer satisfaction
Influences of website product on customer satisfaction
Impacts of website security on customer satisfaction
Impacts of website service on customer satisfaction
3 – Methodology
Research aim and objectives
Research philosophy and approach
Research strategies
Research design
Questionnaire survey
Data collection
Primary data
Secondary data
Data analysis
Descriptive statistical analysis
Reliability analysis
Validity analysis
Regression analysis
Research ethics
Limitation of research methodology
4 – Analysis and findings
Descriptive statistical analysis
Demographic variable analysis
Internet use situation analysis
Descriptive analysis of various influencing factors
Reliability analysis
Validity analysis
Content validity
Construct validity
Correlation analysis
Multiple regression analysis about Taobao customer satisfaction
Influence of website design on customer satisfaction
Influence of website product on customer satisfaction
Influence of website security on customer satisfaction
Influence of website service on customer satisfaction
5 – Conclusion
Relationship Analysis
Website design
Website product
Website security
Website service
Suggestions for further researches
Appendix Section