Significance and Impact of Change on Organisation Performance. A Study of Virgin Telecom (2013)
Change Management Programs and Organisation Performance Dissertation – This dissertation is focused on discussing the importance of change and analyzing the factors that triggers change within the firm. The organization selected for this dissertation is Virgin Telecom which is one of the fastest growing companies in the United Kingdom. The importance of change has been increased over the period of time and in the modern world, there are number of the organizations which have started realizing the fact that without ensuring implementation of change, they cannot survive for a longer period of time.
The increasing importance of change management programs requires the leadership of the organization to initiate and implement change according to the business requirements. The change within the firm can be implemented when the existing systems of the organization are not helpful in achieving the firm’s objectives and they are not providing necessary support to the organizational employees in order to meet the client requirements. The external and internal environmental factors that trigger change within the organization are very crucial and this research has helped a great deal in order to enhance the understanding of the different factors that drives change.
The changes in an organization are of different types which include structural changes, technological changes and changes in the systems and procedures. Regardless of the nature or type of change, the impacts of change on the organizations are always significant. It is essential for the leadership of the company to evaluate the potential impacts of the change process because this will be helpful in avoiding any type of negative consequences of the change implementation. In order to undertake this research, the following research questions have been established;
- What are the external and internal environmental factors that triggers change within the organization?
- What are the positive and negative impacts of technological and systems change on the business organization?
- What impact change management programs can create on the motivation level of the staff members working in the telecom sector?
- 14,000 words – 56 pages in length
- Excellent use of literature
- Good analysis of subject area
- Well written throughout
- Includes questionnaire
- Ideal for business management students
1: Introduction
Study Background
Company Background
Research Questions
Research Objectives
Research Rationale
2: Literature Review
Requirements of Change for Modern Firms
Change Theories
Change Management Model
Change Implementation in the Telecom Sector
Factors That Triggers Change
Change Agents in an Organization
Impact of Change on Staff Motivation
Role of Leadership in Managing Change
3: Research Methodology
Research Approach
Survey Method
Data Collection Methods
Sampling Technique and Sample Size
Research Limitations
Ethical Issues
4: Analysis of the Data
Analysis Of Questionnaire Survey
Summary and Conclusion
5: Interpreting the Research Material
Link between Main Outcomes and Existing Literature
6: Final Conclusion and Recommendations
Final Conclusion
Appendix Section