The Role and Importance of CSR on SME Business Strategy and Profitability – A Study of Private Companies in South Wales, UK (2014)
This dissertation seeks to determine the effects on profitability of incorporating CSR into an organisation’s strategy. The term Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has been widely used in different business circles nowadays. It is considered as an integral part of the organisational business strategies and business managers are required to incorporate Corporate Social Responsibility in the organisational strategies. It is commitment of the organisation to demonstrate an ethical behavior and ensure its effective contribution in the economic growth and development while fulfilling the social responsibilities and improving the quality of life of the employees working within the organisation
. By implementing CSR policies, the organisations show their commitment for doing something for the betterment of the society and improving the job satisfaction of the employees and this is one of reasons that CSR is getting greater acceptance from the key stakeholders. CSR has been gaining significant importance from the last couple of years and organisations are focusing on the implementation of CSR policies because it is considered as one of the effective means of enhancing the organisational profitability and making the customers loyal with the brand. The researcher has used both primary and secondary data collection methods in order to undertake this study.
The secondary data was collected through the books, academic journals and articles written on the topic of CSR. However, the primary data was collected through the interviews which were conducted with the managers of different small and medium size organisations. The main findings of the research shows that CSR policies implementation helps the firms to achieve competitive advantage and establish good relationships with the customers and vendors; however, it is essential that the objectives of the CSR strategy should be aligned with the organisational goals and objectives.
The research outcomes shows that majority of the organisations are trying to ensure achievement of financial and non-financial benefits which includes better organisational profitability, business growth and development and loyal clients through CSR policies implementation. The outcomes also shows that organisations which are not following the rules and regulations of the local government related to CSR can face a risk of reputation loss and loyal customers could also switch to other brand which results in reduction in client’s base. This can negatively affect the profitability of the organisation.
However, adhering to the CSR policies and laws help the organisations to promote their products and services and differentiate themselves from the other players in the market and it is also helpful for the organisations in order to achieve strategic business advantages over the main rivals of the industry. Assess the role and importance of CSR on SME business strategy and profitability. Below are the main objectives of the research:
- To review the literature of CSR in general and in SME’s in particular
- To develop a conceptual framework for CSR evaluation decisions
- To asses extent to which SME’s in South Wales, UK are using CSR for the profitability and sustainability of their enterprise
- 19,000 words – 58 pages in length
- Excellent use of literature
- Good analysis of subject area
- Well written throughout
- Ideal for MBA students
1 – Introduction
Study Background
Research Aims and Objectives
Scope of Study
Focus of Study
2 – Literature Review
Benefits of CSR Implementation to Organisations
Carroll’s Model of CSR
Implementing CSR in SMEs
Financial Implications of CSR
Competitive Advantages through CSR
Role of Governments in Corporate Social Responsibility
3 – Research Methodology
Research Approach
Data Collection Methods
Limitations of the Research
Ethical Considerations of Research
4 – Research Findings and Analysis
Analysis of Interviews
Research Study Outcomes
5 – Final Conclusion and Recommendations
Research Findings
Interview Questions