A Review of the Current Financial Crisis in Greece and Potential Opportunities Arising From an Economic Revival (2014)
Financial Crisis in Greece Dissertation – In 2008, the world witnessed economic downturn of the most dangerous nature since the Great Depression of the 1930s. It began in 2007 when high home prices in the United States turned downward that spread quickly to the entire US financial sector and then to financial markets globally. The overall casualty in the United States included the biggest insurance company, the entire investment banking industry, the largest mortgage lender, two of the largest commercial banks and the largest savings and loan. The impact of downfall in the United States had a huge impact globally and specifically the European countries. The worst hit country by financial turn down was Greece.
Greece even before joining the Euro was living beyond its means. After adopting single currency, public spending soared. Between 1999 and 2007, public wages increased by 50%, faster than most of the countries in Eurozone. The government also hosted 2004 Athens Olympics and piled up debt. The debt in Greece kept soaring till the point where the country was no longer able to repay its debts. Greece was forced to ask for help from the IMF and European parts in the form of massive loans.
This research analyzes the global financial crisis and its impacts on Greece. It analyzes the austerity measures taken up by Greece and its impacts on the country. The research analyzes the bail outs that were granted to Greece to save the country from defaulting. IMF, World Bank and European Central Bank helped Greece by providing loans along with strict austerity measures by the economy of Greece had continuously shrank and the situation is not getting any better. The aims and objectives of the research are;
- Analyzing the current financial crisis in Greece
- Analyzing if there is any opportunity present in Greece for economic revival
- Proposing a plan for revival of Greece’s economy
- 12,000 words – 32 pages in length
- Excellent use of literature
- Good analysis of subject area
- Well written throughout
- Ideal for international business students
1: Introduction
Background of the Study
Statement of the Problem
Research Aims and Objectives
Dissertation Structure
2: Background of the Recent Greek Economy
Statement of the problem
3: Literature Review
Proposed Plan of Analysis
Sources of Data
4: Analysis and Findings
5: Proposed Solution to the Problem
Integrated Assessment of the Analysis
Proposed Plan of Action
Limitations of the Study and Scope for More Research
6: Application of Learning to Another Organization
Financial Crisis of Bank of America