Can CSR Have A Positive Effect On Profitability? A Study of Nestle, Nike, Primark and Starbucks (2014)
The rationale behind this research is that CSR has become a high profile public issue in the modern world and its importance cannot be ignored. The customers expect the firms to make contribution to the society and the CSR related strategies of the companies are also affecting the consumer buying decisions which ultimately affect the business profitability. This is one of the reasons that majority of the organisations in the developed countries are providing their public statements related to CSR and they are also discussing the details of their CSR related activities on the different platforms.
The organisations which are not taking appropriate measures in order to make contributions to the society can face serious business related issues which also includes customers switching to the other brands, bad organisational repute in the market and reduction in the business revenues. Therefore, it is essential for the business leaders to establish and maintain social and environmental standards. CSR has been defined as a process with the aim to embrace the responsibility of all the actions of the firm and creating a positive impact on the environment, employees, consumers and stakeholders through its activities.
According to academics, CSR is concerned with an obligation of giving something back to the society by meeting the needs of all the major stakeholders. Research shows that CSR is a main stream business activity and the organisations all over the world are taking several measures in order to ensure the success of the CSR related strategies. However, there are mixed opinions of the researchers and scholars regarding the concept of CSR. There are many researchers who believe that the corporations can make long term business profits by implementing sound CSR related strategies.
On the other hand, there are also few researchers and scholars who have stated that CSR distracts from the economic role of the business. However, it is a fact that the organisations which are taking appropriate measures in order to formulate and implement effective CSR strategies can achieve significant benefits. Many researchers believe that increased importance of environmental and social impacts on the businesses also requires the modern world organisations to fulfil their corporate social responsibilities and taking measures to protect the environment.
Research Questions
- How CSR can help to enhance the brand image?
- How CSR can effects consumer behaviour in a positive manner?
- What is the impact of CSR strategies on the business revenues of the organisations in the modern world?
Research Objectives
The main objectives of this research are as below:
- To identify and discuss the business related benefits which the organisations can obtain through the CSR related activities
- To evaluate the role of CSR in enhancing the business profitability of the companies
- To assess the impact of the CSR activities on the society
- 12,000 words – 38 pages in length
- Excellent use of literature
- Good analysis of subject area
- Well written throughout
- Includes interview questions
- Ideal for business management students
1: Introduction
Company Background
Research Questions
Research Objectives
Research Rationale
2: Literature Review
Definition and Benefits of CSR
Role of CSR in Enhancing Brand Image
CSR and Consumer Purchase Decisions
Impact of CSR Strategies on Business Revenues
Carroll’s Model of CSR
Implementing CSR in Business Firms
Financial Implications of CSR
Competitive Advantages through CSR
Role of Governments in Corporate Social Responsibility
3: Research Methodology
Data Collection Methods
Research Limitations
Ethical Issues
Interview Method of Research
4: Research Results and Findings
Analysis of the Findings
5: Final Conclusion and Recommendations
Interview Questionnaire