Target Characteristics of Mergers and Acquisitions within the US Real Estate Industry and the Effect on Employee Turnover (2014)

US Real Estate Industry Dissertation – There are several factors that have been found in the research which contribute directly in influencing the characteristics of the mergers and acquisitions in the real estate sector. Turnover rates can be regarded as an important weapon in determining about the target characteristics of the US Market in the field of real estate industry mergers and acquisitions. People tend to join other organizations rather this because of the risk involved. Compensation, although regarded as a small factor in the overall case of mergers and acquisitions, do play a part in employee behavior and in a result it affects the whole company.

Service benefits, including employer-funded retirement schemes, discounted loans, and fringe benefits, are the most important factors for the employees of these private old companies. The study sets out to discover the characteristics of the mergers and acquisitions of the real estate industry in the US market. From 153 employees surveyed, the answer to the research question has been sought. Out of the four categories of the real estate companies, significant differences than the norm in Compensation and Career Development have been discovered in employees of private new real estate companies. Service Benefit is especially important to the public old real estate companies’ employees.

The study also attempts to explain how employee behavior can have an effect on the characteristics of the mergers and acquisitions. The old companies, unsurprisingly, have the lowest turnover. This is due to its relative high perceptions from the employees in terms of Compensation, Performance Management, and Career Development. Experienced employees tend to move towards the high-level companies for a fulfilling work experience and to savor an international organizational culture. These companies have relatively low turnover due to its recruitment policies and strong work culture. The paper went further to carry out an in-depth analysis of the factors that influences the mergers and acquisitions in the real estate, the core factors that stakeholders considers before taking decisions of mergers and acquisition.

The US market is our major case study in this paper, it is very notable the trends and movement in the US real estate market, the companies involved, their policies, the management style and working culture. The old companies have been discovered to perform below par in comparison with their counterparts who are new in the industry, although they are expected to be more productive and efficient owing to their numerous years of operation.

Their overall performance over time has been analyzed and discoveries were made as to why they are under performing, their policies and strategies are the main reason for the under performance. The newer companies are more considerate about the employees and their target market, they strategies policies and implement them with a core aim of increasing their productivity. Looking forward, currently rising number of takeovers in real estate industry will allow for any kinds of analyses in near future not possible to date due to an insufficient number of observations and time periods that are too short.

Finance studies show that patterns of takeover activity vary significantly across takeover waves, with different motives being dominant rationale to merge in each wave. This paper provides a detailed review of literature beginning with theoretical background that motivates mergers, followed by a detailed discussion of real estate focused studies. Main findings suggest that it is first and foremost important to study real estate mergers separately and distinctly from non-real estate related firms.

  • 16,000 words – 54 pages in length
  • Excellent use of literature
  • Excellent use of statistical analysis
  • Well written throughout
  • Ideal for MBA and HRM students

1 – Introduction
Theoretical Background of Merger Motives

2 – Literature Review
Summary of Literature

3 – Research Methodology
Sample Size
Sample Frame
Sampling Method
Questionnaire Development
Questionnaire Validity
Questionnaire Reliability
Data Collection
Primary Data Collection
Secondary Data Collection
Regression Analysis

4 – Data Analysis
Sample Statistics
Mean Analysis
Regression Analysis
Statistical Significance
Hypothesis Testing

5 – Empirical Findings and Discussions
Turnover Rate
Service Benefits
Working Conditions
Performance Management
Career Development
Significant Push-Pull Factors
Theoretical Implications
Policy Implications

6 – Conclusion and Recommendations
Focus on Improving Integrity
Reach out to Potential Policyholders
Increased Contact with Policyholders

Appendix – Hypothesis Testing: T-test
Service Benefits
Working Condition
Performance Management
Career Development

US Real Estate Industry Dissertation
US Real Estate Industry Dissertation

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