Examining Brain Drain Determinants, How Should Taiwan Suppress This Phenomenon? (2015)
Brain Drain Determinants In Taiwan Dissertation – In recent years, immigration became increasingly evident, a large number of highly qualified people moved from developing countries to developed countries, the formation of brain drain seems to be the hidden danger of low-income country’s economic development. The so-called brain drain, mainly for study abroad, and the students of immigration overseas after graduation, direct skill migrants.
In generally believe that to study abroad is a major component of the brain drain, while the latter is caused the loss of sending country. As a way of labor mobility, international migration has beneficial to the enhancement of resources. However, based on the previous literature, the impact of the structure of labor market, income distribution, and economic growth is beneficial of harmful for the sending and receiving countries is inconclusive. The main aim of this research study is to critically examine the factors influencing the brain drain phenomenon.
The study mainly focuses on Taiwan and intends to propose the plans to suppress this phenomenon. The study conducts a quantitative research study and conclusion and suggestions are drawn based on the findings obtained. The main aim of this research study is to critically examine the factors influencing the brain drain phenomenon. The study mainly focuses on Taiwan and intends to propose the plans to suppress this phenomenon.
Dissertation objectives:
- To focus on literature based on brain drain in details for exploring the knowledge-based firms
- To study the factors influencing the brain drain determinants and its consequences
- Study the techniques and suggestions to suppress the phenomenon of brain drain in Taiwan
- 13,000 words – 42 pages in length
- Excellent use of literature
- Good analysis of subject area
- Includes questionnaire
- Well written throughout
- Ideal for international business students
1 – Introduction
Research Question
Research Aims And Objectives
Research Rationale
Outline Of The Dissertation
2 – Literature Review
Dynamics Of The Brain Drain
Factors Determining The Brain Drain
The Scale And Cost Of Lost Labor And Human Capital
Education, Investment And Economic Growth
Consequences Of The Brain Drain
3 – Research Methodology
Research Methodology
Why Quantitative Methodology?
Data Collection
Why Survey?
Questionnaire Design
Research Ethics
4 – Findings And Analysis
Participant Details
5 – Conclusion And Recommendations