Impact of Inefficient Use of Information Technology among Project Management Staff in Developing Countries – A Case Study of Actco General Contracting UAE (2016)
Project Management Staff Dissertation – Inefficient Use of Information Technology. Information technology is a fast growing sector and a huge determinant in the success or failure of any given project. Modern businesses and ventures keep shifting and the only and easiest way to keep up with the pace of the dynamics is through embracement of information technology. Normally, information technology refers to the vast use of computers and other computerized functions and software’s to pass information. Information technology and related services are and will remain to lead in the global employment fields.
This was proven by a study that was conducted by the Department of Labor in the United States which indicates that the employment of software engineers and the computer programmers is anticipated to grow by about twenty one percent between the year 2008 and 2018. This growth is relatively faster than the average of all the other occupations. Information technology involves provision and ease of disseminating relevant information regarding the specific project.
The information, which is stored in the data warehouse is easily available and retrievable by all the concerned parties and therefore plays a major role in terms of efficient decision making. How stakeholders communicate and how information is stored and delivered is also very different with the use of information technology.
One does not need to keep huge record files in the office for the sake of reference. Online storage is done and communication more often done in a paperless way such as through the use of emails. In the early stages, construction was one of the sectors that had experienced very minimal technological advancements, probably due to the high expertise paper work that used to happen and that was viewed as efficient. However, over time, the sector has been on its wake regarding the same.
Technological advancement has taken its course in the sector with the re-engineering of how things are done; from design, visualization to communication. This study is aimed at establishing the impacts of inefficient use of technology among the staff members in project management. This research will revolve around answering the main research question as stipulated by the title. The main question is what are the impacts of inefficient use of information technology among staff in developing countries?
This is a question that the research needs to get answers to and the question was motivated by personal experience in a construction company where I have been working as information technology personnel. The objectives are to evaluate the relationship between information technology and project management and also to establish how information technology affects it. The study will also have an objective of examining the related theories and literature to the issue of information technology in the construction sector as well as filling the existing knowledge gap.
- 15,000 words – 52 pages in length
- Excellent use of literature
- Good analysis of subject area
- Well written throughout
- Includes questionnaire
- Ideal for project management students
1 – Introduction
Background of the study
Aims, research questions and the objectives of the study
Justification of the study
Outline of the dissertation
2 – Literature Review
Impacts of Inefficient use of Information Technology Among Staff in Developing Countries
Evaluating the Relationship between Information Technology and Project Management
Establishing How Information Technology Affects Project Management
Existing Theories and Literature to the Issue of Information Technology in the Construction Sector
3 – Research Methodology
Research Philosophy
Research Strategy
Research Design
Research Administration
Research Ethics
4 – Data Analysis, Interpretation and Discussion
Analysis and Interpretation of Data
Background and Demographic Information
Responding to Technological Needs of the Company
Challenges Faced while using Technological Tools
Impact of Inefficient Use of Technology among Staff
The Relationship between Information Technology and Project Management
Effect of Technology on Project Management
5 – Analysis, Discussion and Conclusion
Critique of Adopted Research
Inefficient Use of Technology among Staff
Relationship between Information Technology and Project Management
Effects of Information Technology on Project Management
Overall Conclusion
Limitations of the Study
Opportunities for Further Research