Impact of Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth and Development: A Study of the Nigerian Infrastructure Sector (2016)

Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth and Development Dissertation – This dissertation explores the impact of FDI on the Nigerian infrastructure sector and if it contributes towards the successes and growth of Nigerian economy. FDI affects various economic factors such as technology, human capital and GDP. Diverse economic factors have been investigated within the study so that the impact of FDI on economic growth could be measured effectively.

For the purpose of gaining the positive outcomes here in this study the data has been collected from both primary and secondary sources. Primary data was collected through survey among 30 officials and interview was conducted among 5 officials working in the infrastructure department of Nigeria. Secondary data was collected using books, journals and online articles.

The findings of the study state that it is very crucial for the economy to utilize FDI investment effectively within the nation. It even indicates that it has become crucial for the country to improve their infrastructure facility by effective utilization of foreign direct investment within the country. Study observes that in Nigeria economy it has become important to bring out improvement in their road transportation as it is badly affecting the growth of economy. Further, it has been found that official functioning in the area of infrastructure sector is not happy with the operation initiated in this area.

This even shows that country is not even able to improve their basic infrastructure for initiating the growth operation of nations. Hence, it becomes important for the country to improve their basic infrastructure for enhancing the overall growth of the economy. That government must allow private sector Company to look after some of the aspect of infrastructure facilities of the economy. Nigerian government has to lay down major focus in improving the political behaviour within the economy.

Effective investment process needs to be carried out in the area of infrastructure sector of the nation for enhancing growth in the economy. In this respect government need to lay down proper focus that majority of the FDI investment for some period must be carried out in the infrastructure sector for boosting up the nation. FDI has become very arguable topic with respect to its deliverable benefits to the host country.

Dissertation objectives

  • To understand the concept of foreign direct investment and factors affecting it
  • To identify the impact of FDI on various economic factors
  • To establish relationship between FDI and economic growth
  • To explore the impact of FDI on the infrastructure sector and if it contributes towards the growth of Nigerian economy
  • To recommend various strategies to Nigeria to improve economic growth and development through foreign direct investment
  • 11,000 words – 44 pages in length
  • Excellent use of literature
  • Good analysis of subject area
  • Well written throughout
  • Includes questionnaire
  • Ideal for international business students

1: Introduction
FDI requirements in Nigerian economy
Research problem
Rationale of the study
Aims and objectives of the study
Research question
Structure of dissertation

2: Literature Review
Techniques of foreign direct investment
FDI and economic growth
Ways to attract foreign direct investment
Poor infrastructure hindering the growth of the Nigerian economy
The FDI-growth relation in Nigeria
Research gap

3: Research Methodology
Research philosophy
Research approach
Research type
Research design
Data collection
Primary Data Collection
Secondary Data Collection
Sampling Method
Data analysis
Reliability and validity of the report
Ethical consideration

4: Data Analysis
Quantitative Analysis
Thematic analysis of telephonic interview

5: Conclusion and Recommendations
Achievements of objectives
Recommendations for the study
Future scope of study

Survey Questionnaire

Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth and Development Dissertation
Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth and Development Dissertation

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