Behavioural Analysis and Implications of Netflix Investments (2018)

Netflix Investments MBA Project – Firstly, the paper introduces Netflix and evaluates the endogenous and exogenous forces that shaped the success of the business. With a financial overview of the company, this paper provides context on Netflix’s current financial position and discusses possible implications of the high investment on content production. Additionally, a Porter’s 5 Forces analysis is created by assessing the main industry forces, which shape the company’s operations and strategies.

Secondly, the main focus of this paper is to analyse the key drivers of consumer behaviour and identify what keeps users engaged with the service, by observing how Netflix facilitates such engagement. By taking an interdisciplinary approach, involving economic, psychological and biological concepts, this paper contributes to the literature on TV consumption behaviours. More specifically, the paper considers scientific research on customer centricity, decision-making, choice, reward prediction and social identity. Consequently, the paper analyses previous research in those fields and links the findings to the tools used by Netflix to guide users’ behaviour. The discussion identifies Netflix as a customer centric company and it demonstrates how their service shapes its consumer’s behaviour.

An online study was conducted in order to understand users’ behaviour and support the validity of the recommendations made further in this paper. We recruited 124 participants who completed an online survey and the questions were administered via the Qualtrics website. The participants were from diverse backgrounds, having 24 different nationalities. Participants were 60% men, 37% woman and 3% preferred not to answer, between the ages of 14 to 60. Individuals participated voluntarily and did not receive any remuneration for completion.

  • 8,000 words
  • Excellent use of literature
  • Excellent analysis of subject area
  • Well written throughout
  • This is a project not dissertation
  • Ideal for MBA corporate governance students


Company Overview

Financial Overview

Industry Overview

Consumers and Netflix
Choice and decision-making
Choice on the platform
Social Factor

Pilot Shows
Interactive Content



Survey Results

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Netflix Investments MBA Project

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