Exploring Leadership Qualities for Successful Project Management: Evidence from Saudi Arabia

MBA Project Management and Project Success Dissertation – This dissertation addresses the impact of leadership qualities on the effectiveness of project management. The aim of the study is to understand the extent to which leadership qualities are essential for successful project management. The study is carried out utilizing opinions of the project managers from Saudi Arabia’s construction companies.

Project management is considered to be a range of tasks that are organized and planned with an effort to attain certain task or goal. Projects are planned, performed, and executed by team members responsible to complete it within a set time frame and budget. Thus, it requires more than a project manager to lead the team towards the right direction. This study focuses on the variables of project management, leadership qualities, project success, and leadership style.

The outcome is driven from a questionnaire survey which involved 50 project managers’ opinions. This study reflects a significant relationship of leadership qualities with project management and project success. However, the evidence of the impact of leadership style on project performance was insignificant.

The study focuses on the relationship between leadership qualities and project performance. This chapter is an introductory section which provides a brief of the background information, including problem statement, study rationale, research aims and objectives, research questions, research limitations and scope, significance of the research, methodology to be utilized, and the research outline. The aim of the research is to explore the extent to which leadership qualities impact success of the project.

The research is undertaken to meet the following objectives:

  • How the aspect of leadership is important in project management by acquiring data through questionnaire survey
  • To extract perspective of project manager to determine the essential leadership qualities
  • To learn about effective leadership qualities and how they are utilized in project management
  • To investigate whether the relationship between leadership style and project performance exists
  • Provide recommendations to attain effective leadership qualities

  • 20,000 – 72 pages in length
  • Excellent use of literature
  • Excellent analysis of subject area
  • Well written throughout
  • Includes questionnaire
  • Ideal for MBA students

1: Introduction
Background to the project
Problem Statement
Rationale of the Study
Research aims and objectives
Research Questions
Justification for the Present Study
Scope and Limitations of the Study
Significance of the Study
Research Outline

2: Literature Review
Theoretical Foundation
Visionary Leadership Theory
Resource Based View Theory
Contingency Theory
Stakeholder’s Theory
Agency Theory
Key Leadership Competencies and Styles
Leadership Traits
Behavioral Leadership
Visionary Leadership
Transformational Leadership
Transactional Leadership
Contingency Leadership
Competency Leadership
Situational Leadership
Project Management
The Project Manager
Project Manager Leadership Skills
Project Team Transformation
Project Success
Projects Characteristics
Project Size
Funding Source
Project Complexity
Project Type
Project Management versus Project Leadership
Leadership and Project Performance
Leadership, Project Characteristics and Project Performance

3: Research Methodology
Research Philosophy
Research Approaches
Research Strategy
Data Collection Methods
Primary Data
Secondary Data
Data Collection Tool
Research Population and Sample
Sampling Technique
Data Analysis
Data Validity and Reliability
Ethical Concerns

4: Data analysis and Discussion
Frequency Analysis
Education Level
Work Experience
Leadership Style
Project Management
Reliability Test
Descriptive Analysis
Leadership Qualities
Project Success
Correlation Analysis
Regression Analysis
Impact of Leadership Qualities on Project Management
Impact of Leadership Qualities on Project Success
Project Management and Project Success
Leadership Style and Project Success
Impact of Leadership Qualities on Project Management
Impact of Leadership Qualities on Project Success
Project Management and Project Success
Leadership Style and Project Success
Leadership Qualities and Project Management
Leadership Qualities and Project Success
Project Success and Project Management

5: Conclusion
Considerations for Future Research
Personal Reflection


Questionnaire Survey

MBA Project Management and Project Success Dissertation
MBA Project Management and Project Success Dissertation

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