An Investigation into the Extent and Impact of Economic Growth in Reducing Poverty in Ghana and Uganda (2012)
The Extent and Impact of Economic Growth in Reducing Poverty in Ghana and Uganda – Poverty implies suffering and its scope is diverse and depends on a variety of poverty-causing elements. From the studies provided by Acharya, (2002), poverty is historically dependent on factors relating to consumption, family household income and external elements such as level of education and availability of resources. Poverty reduction is more and more becoming a rights-based matter. Global society has acknowledged it as a collective issue in the course of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), and this is reflected at the national level through Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSPs). PRSP is related with governance.
In fact, its political argument is that a well guided and institutionally planned anti-poverty policy may reform governance, generate a new communal accord linking the governors and the governed, and provide voice and capacity to the public in making judgment and decisions on poverty matters. This would also boost public answerability, improve national capability, and assemble national labour, efforts and resources in opposition to the most intimidating challenge of growth. The analysis of poverty in the African context provides an understanding of its scope and extent. This should help us identify the specific measures needed to define poverty and hence undertakes a comparative analysis between two African States.
This dissertation will focus on the effectiveness of economic growth in reducing poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa. The dissertation will examine the cases of Uganda, located in East Africa and Ghana in West Africa. Because these countries share similar characteristics such as geographical size, population and economy, the study should provide an interesting comparative analysis within which the impact of economic growth on poverty reduction can be analysed.
The study will analyse the effectiveness of the specific poverty control mechanisms adopted by the two countries including the policy measures and financial resources put in place to reduce the overall impact of poverty. The objectives of the dissertation are as follows;
- To analyze the impact of economic growth on poverty reduction in Uganda and Ghana
- To contrast economic growth and its influence on poverty reduction in Uganda and Ghana
- To compare the measures that Ghana and Uganda have applied to reduce poverty
- To investigate and analyze the extent to which economic growth has helped to reduce poverty in both Ghana and Uganda
- 10,000 words – 40 pages in length
- Good use of literature
- Good in depth analysis
- Outstanding use of economic models
- Well written throughout
- Ideal for economics students
1: Introduction
Objectives of research
Research Questions
Data Analysis
Data Analysis tools and techniques
Scatter Diagram and Histogram
Structure of Research
2: Literature on Growth and Poverty Reduction
Defining Poverty
Poverty versus Standard of Living
Poverty versus Capability
Measuring of Absolute and Relative poverty
Headcount Index
The Poverty Gap index
Human Poverty Index & Human Development Index
The Link between Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction
3: Growth and Poverty Reduction in Ghana and Uganda
Economic Growth in Ghana
Current Economic Performance
Poverty and Equality in Ghana
Impact of Structural reform in Ghana
Economic Growth in Uganda
Growth experience in Uganda
Public Expenditure, Growth and Poverty Reduction in Uganda
Poverty in Uganda
Poverty levels – unchanged scale
Factors of Growth in Uganda
Structural Adjustment and Impacts
Growth and non income indicators of poverty
Turning Growth into Poverty Reduction
4: Comparative Analysis of Growth and Poverty Reduction in Ghana and Uganda
Gross Domestic Product
Annual % GDP Growth
Per Capita GDP
Household Final Consumption Expenditure
Education Expenditure as percentage of GNI
Literacy Rate
Percentage Annual Agricultural Growth
Inflation, consumer prices (annual %)
Employment to population ratio
Poverty Gap at National Poverty Line
Poverty headcount
5: Conclusion