The main emphases of this assessment is to make written report that comments on a specific company‘s financial performance and future prospects. The company I chose to report about is Vodafone Group Plc, which is listed on the London Stock Exchange and part of the FTSE 100 index. The reason for I chose Vodafone Group Plc is because I think the market that the company operates on is very interesting, i.e. the fact that the company relies heavily on technology and the competition on the market is enormous. In this assessment I‘m gonna try to recognise the company‘s strengths and its weaknesses by using accounting statements and ratio analysis. Try to estimate how well the company is doing compared to its competitiors and the market as a whole. Get to know how the company is financed long term and how its gearing is. I‘m gonna try to estimate if the company is priced fairly, get to know the company‘s dividend policy and find out the stragedy the company follows in mergers, acquisitions and corporate restrucuturing. To cover all these things I‘m going to use theories and principal that has been taught in the course and use other sources like library and internet to find references. In the analysis I will use Reuters to support my calculation of ratios and other things.