An Assessment of Risk Management in Banking (2009)
Risk Management In Banking Dissertation – The financial sector especially the banking industry in most emerging economies including India is passing through a process of change. As the financial activity has become a major economic activity in most economies, any disruption or imbalance in its infrastructure will have significant impact on the entire economy. By developing a sound financial system the banking industry can bring stability within financial markets.
Deregulation in the financial sector had widened the product range in the developed market. Some of the new products introduced are LBOs, credit cards, housing finance, derivatives and various off balance sheet items. Thus new vistas have created multiple sources for banks to generate higher profits than the traditional financial intermediation. Simultaneously they have opened new areas of risks also. During the past decade, the Indian banking industry continued to respond to the emerging challenges of competition, risks and uncertainties. Risks originate in the forms of customer default, funding a gap or adverse movements of markets.
Measuring and quantifying risks in neither easy nor intuitive. Our regulators have made some sincere attempts to bring prudential and supervisory norms conforming to international bank practices with an intention to strengthen the stability of the banking system.
- 22,000 words – 140 pages in length
- Excellent use of literature
- Good in depth analysis
- Includes questionnaire
- Ideal for finance students
1. Introduction
Meaning of Risk and Risk Management
Risk management Structure
Risk management Components
Steps for implementing risk management in banking
Types of risks
RBI Guidelines on risk management
2. Literature Review
3. Research Methodology
Need of Study
Objective of Study
Significance of Study
Scope of Study
Research Design
Data Collection
Techniques of Analysis
Limitations of Study
4. Banks Profile
5. Credit Risk Management
Meaning of Credit Risk
Objectives of Credit Risk Management
Instruments of Credit Risk Management
Methods for Measuring Credit Risk
Strategies for Managing Credit Risk
6. Market Risk Management
Meaning of Market Risk
Meaning of Liquidity Risk
Methods for measuring Liquidity Risk
Strategies for Managing Liquidity Risk
Meaning of Interest Rate Risk
Methods for measuring Interest Rate Risk
Strategies for managing Interest Rate Risk
7. Operational Risk Management
Definition of Operational Risk
Risk Mapping/Profiling
Measuring Operational Risk
Mitigating Operational Risk
Capital Budgeting for Operational Risk
8. Basel II Compliance
Three pillar approach
Reservation about Basel II
Risk Based Supervision Requirement
Risk based supervision – a new approach
Features of RBS approach
9. Analysis of Survey Responses
10. Observation and Suggestions
Major Findings of Study