An Analysis on the Changes in Interest Rate and Its Impact on the Investment Decision: An Assessment of Barclays (2016)

Interest rate fluctuation and investment decision are two parallel things which investors take into consideration seriously. Due to the risk adverseness of the investors and the opportunity of investments, degree of investment in different industries and sectors are different. While making investment decisions, investors consider the risk adjusted return foremost. At the same time, a good consideration about the inflation rate and the tax rate is made since investors are well aware about the real income generated from the investment.

In determining the interest rate, the treasury department plays the crucial role by analysing the interest rate being offered by other competitors and the probable effects of increasing or reducing the interest rate. Barclays Bank has been facing the issue of lower investment due to the lower interest rate being offered and the returns to the shareholders in the form of dividends have seen significant reduction.

There is a huge lost interest income due to the failure in attracting the depositors by offering higher rate. The treasury department is liable for managing the assets and liabilities in a way which secures the net worth not to be reduced. Treasury department within the Barclays Bank uses the sensitivity analysis in order to determine whether the interest rate is to be reduced or increased considering the goals and objectives of the firm.

Dissertation Objectives

  • To have a clear understanding about the interest rate changing factors
  • To understand the exposure of investors toward the interest rate fluctuations
  • To know the relationship between the interest rate and degree of investment
  • To understand the way Barclays Bank, determine the interest rate on their deposits and the loans and advances
  • 10,000 words – 38 pages in length
  • Excellent use of literature
  • Good analysis of subject area
  • Well written throughout
  • Ideal for finance students

1: Introduction
Background of the research
Significance of the research
Problem solving and rationale of the research
Aims of the research
Objectives of the research
Research Questions
Structure of the research

2: Literature Review
A brief analysis on Barclays
Interest rate and its viewpoint from different perspectives
Factors that affect the changes in the interest rate
Changes in the interest rate and investment decision
Concepts regarding the research

3: Research Methodology
Research Philosophy
Research Paradigm
Research Reasoning
Research Approach
Collection of data and analysis of the data
Data analysis plan
Limitations of the research

4: Data Analysis
Base interest rate in the UK
Interest rate and inflation
Interest rate offered by different banks in the UK
Interest rate offered by Barclays in the UK
Interest rate movement and effect on net worth
Interest rate and shareholders’ actions
Treasury department and interest rate fixation

5: Discussion and Recommendations
Secondary research and literature review
Aims and objectives achievement
Future studies



Interest Rate Changes Om Investment Decision Dissertation
Interest Rate Changes Om Investment Decision Dissertation

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