A Comparative Analysis into The Deployment of Asset Liability Management (ALM) Frameworks in UK Banks. A Study of HSBC and Barclays (2016)

Asset and liability management (ALM) is a key success factory within the industry, it influences and create risk within banking and when used wisely, it will generate positive revenues. Banks are often concerned about the deployment of assets and liability management. If done correctly it helps in risk measurement and management for banks. Also, effective asset liability management ensures liquidity risk management and protects and enhances the profit and net worth of a bank.

This dissertation focuses on the development of asset liability management within the UK and analyses the asset and liability management of HSBC and Barclays Bank. The dissertation utilises data over a five-year period and assesses the techniques used by HSBC and Barclays for the management of their assets and liabilities.

The dissertation also focuses on asset and liability management deployment notably on the maturity of investment and liabilities. This dissertation finds that UK banks deploy modern techniques of the assets and liabilities. Moreover, the comparative study finds out that Barclays bank focuses more on the long-term assets and liabilities where HSBC bank focuses more on the short term and medium-term assets and liabilities.

This study is a compares the assets and liability management techniques deployed by HSBC and Barclays along with focus on the UK banking industry. The comparative analysis is mostly on the basis of the recent development of the asset and liability management framework of UK banks.

Dissertation aim and objectives

  • To analyse the asset and liability management practice in the UK
  • Analyse the assets and liability management of HSBC and Barclays
  • Analyse the Strength, weakness, opportunity and threat of HSBC and Barclays using SWOT analysis
  • Conducting a comparative analysis of the asset and liability management of HSBC and Barclays
  • Conducting comparative analysis of the different functions of the asset and liability management department and the asset and liability management committee of HSBC and Barclays.
  • 10,000 words – 52 pages in length
  • Good use of literature
  • Good analysis of subject area
  • Well written throughout
  • Ideal for finance students

1 – Introduction
Barclays Bank
Dissertation Rationale
Research Problem
Dissertation Objectives
Research Questions
Dissertation Structure

2 – Literature Review
Asset Liability Management (ALM) in Banking
Asset Liability management in UK & Comparing with other Banks
Formation of the senior authority of Asset Liability Management
Bank of England Guidelines: A Perspective of HSBC Bank
Issues covering by the ALM committee of UK Banks
The effect of current operating plans and market updates on Asset Liability Management of UK Banks
Financial risk and the quality of risk management in Private Banking
Responsibilities of the Asset Liability Committee
Structure of Asset Liability Committee
Asset Liability Committees (ALCO) Reporting

3 – Research Methodology
Research Approach
Available approach
Option Chosen
Reason for Choosing the Approach
Research Strategy
Option Chosen
Reason for choosing the Strategy
Data Collection Method
Method of Data Analysis
Sampling Method
Data investigation
Research Ethics
Study Limitations

4 – Asset and Liability Management deployed at HSBC and Barclays
Asset and Liability Management Practice of the Banks in the UK
SWOT analysis of HSBC
SWOT analysis of Barclays Bank
Asset and liability Management of HSBC
Asset and liability management of Barclays
Comparative analysis of the asset and liability management of HSBC and Barclays

5 – Conclusion and Recommendation


Asset Liability Management (ALM) Dissertation
Asset Liability Management (ALM) Dissertation

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