The Role Played by Human Resource Management in Business Growth. A Study of Tesco (2012)

Importance of Human Resource Management Dissertation – The role of HRM in the success of the organizations and its effects on the growth and overall performance of the business with reference to Tesco, a retailing giant in the United Kingdom. It has been studied that human resource management is a function growing substantially in importance as far as the management of business organizations is concerned. One of the reasons pointed out is the increase in the competitiveness in the markets and a need to best utilize all the resources available to the organization.

The research proposed will be significant in terms of the analysis and business findings that it presents because of mostly the increasing importance of human resource management and also because still a lot of small to medium sized enterprises do not it. Through this report, it will be proven that human resource management does have a very strong impact on the quality and efficient performance of a business. For defining the scope of the business, the perspective adopted will be that of the organization and all analyses will be done accordingly.

Furthermore, the analysis will be limited to the markets of the United Kingdom. Human resource management is in fact a vast field and one which is actually has its over lapping with a number of other management related fields. The entire human resource management cannot be studied in a single research and therefore it has to be broken down into parts for something to actually be substantially studied. For the purpose of this research paper also, the human resource management as a field of management of business is being studied to analyze the growth and performance related impact of it on the organization.

The aim of conducting the research is to study the input that people related management can have on the growth and performance of a business. The following are the objectives for conducting the research:

  • To analyze the meaning of human resources and that of human resource management
  • To study the importance of human resource management
  • To explore the functions of human resource management and see how they are linked to the performance of the business entity
  • To understand incorporation of human resource management in Tesco
  • And finally to analyze the impact of the incorporation of human resource management on the growth of Tesco
  • 18,000 words – 50 pages in length
  • Excellent use of literature
  • Good Analysis
  • Well written throughout
  • Ideal for HRM students

1: Introduction
Research Title
Research Aims and Objectives
Research Questions
Significance and Scope of the Research

2: Background of Study
Understanding the Human Resource?
What is Human Resource Management?
Evolution of HRM
Defining HRM
Features of HRM
Principles of HRM
Characteristics of HRM
Human Resource Management Objectives
Scope of Human Resource Management
Roles of HR Managers
TESCO’s Profile
Tesco Strategy

3: Literature Review

4: Research Methodology
Research Design
Research Philosophy
Database Collection
Ethics Being Taken into Consideration

5: Critical Analysis & Findings

6: Discussions

7: Recommendations

8: Conclusion


Importance of Human Resource Management Dissertation
Importance of Human Resource Management Dissertation

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