An Investigation into Key Human Resource Practices That Contribute Towards the Success of Chinese Multinational Companies Operating Within the UK (2012)

This dissertation builds on Hofstede cultural dimension of collectivism, power distance, uncertainty avoidance and femininity and its role in implementation of best human resource practices amongst Chinese Companies operating in the UK. The Hofstede cultural value dimensions were identified as drivers for best human practices due to their influence in being able to be adapted to reflect human thinking hence impact on human behaviour, demonstrate human attitudes and emotional response to employee relations.

The study further incorporates extant theories on strategic HRM practices in order to identify relationships with Hofstede cultural position hence determine mechanism through which Chinese Companies in UK have developed a culture of their own that may be different or similar to the UK cultural diversity and its relationship with UK market context in which the companies are embedded. Hofstede cultural dimension is investigated to identify impacts of Chinese external cultural influence on adaptability of best practices in human resource.

The study use of extant theories on strategic HRM was meant to add knowledge on validity and reliability of Chinese culture strategic HRM and mechanism it has been integrated into internationalization strategy framework. The remainder of the dissertation is structured as follows: chapter two provides literature review on human resource best practices for MNC, chapter three provides methodology of the study, chapter four provides findings and discussion of the findings and chapter five provides conclusion based on study objectives and makes recommendations for future studies on best human resource practices that MNC’s should adopt to achieve competitive advantage in international markets. Dissertation objectives;

  • To identify the underlying principles of Chinese HRM best practice in UK and mechanism of HRM diffusion
  • To determine use of absorption localization strategy and hence or otherwise determine mechanism through which Chinese MNCs in UK have used absorption localization strategy
  • To determine framework of Chinese MNCs HRM and mechanism Chinese MNCs implement reverse diffusion in HRM
  • 10,000 words – 52 pages in length
  • Good use of literature
  • Good in analysis of subject area
  • Well written throughout
  • Includes questionnaire
  • Ideal for international HRM students

1: Introduction
Statement of the problem
Goals and objectives of the study
Hypothesis for testing
Expected outcomes of the study
Theoretical framework of the study
Dissertation Structure

2: Literature Review
Benefits of best HRM practices
Impacts of employee training and development
Impacts of career management programs
The role of decentralized organizational systems
The role of performance based remunerations
The role of feedback channels and feedback standards
The role of HRM alignment to organizational strategy

3: Methodology
Methodology of Study
Study variables
Study design
Study instruments
Study sample
Method of data collection used
Method of data presentation
Data analysis
Ethical considerations

4: Findings and Discussion
Findings of the study
Discussion of the results

5: Conclusion


Appendix Section

Human Resource Practices Chinese MNCs Operating Within The UK Dissertation
Human Resource Practices Chinese MNCs Operating Within The UK Dissertation

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