The Relationship between Employee Organisational Commitment and Employee Job Satisfaction (2013)

With the recent poor economic climate in the UK and organisations looking to become leaner and fitter in a competitive market, it is therefore advantageous that organisations know how to enhance employee performance in order to maximise output. Many researchers have investigated employee performance and its relationship with both employee organisational commitment and job satisfaction.

This dissertation focuses on a quantitative study undertaken to determine if a relationship exists between employee organisational commitment and job satisfaction. The Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ) “short form” was used to measure employee levels of overall job satisfaction. Participants in the research included 264 employees from a large UK facilities management organisation. The employees were selected at random with an email sent out to approximately 500 employees within a small business unit of this organisation and varied from engineers / professionals, office clerks, service and sales staff.

Results were analysed following guidance from both of the measuring instrument theories used, Microsoft Excel software was used to calculate the validity of the survey and basic statistical analysis. Detailed analysis was calculated using SPSS Statistics software. The results indicate that high level of satisfaction increases with higher levels of organisational commitment and concomitantly that the low levels of satisfaction decreases. No relationship was evident amongst employees with average levels of general satisfaction.

Knowing the relationship between employee organisational commitment and employee job satisfaction will allow organisations to measure employee levels and adapt strategic local plans aimed at enhancing employee organisational commitment and satisfaction, which in turn can enhance employee performance and organisational outputs. The dissertation aims to provide the reader with an understanding of the relationship between employee organisational commitment and employee job satisfaction. Dissertation objectives;

  • To identify from the literature review, what studies in organisational commitment have been previously undertaken
  • To identify from the literature review, the various organisational commitment theories and select those which will be most relevant to this project
  • To identify from the literature review, what studies in job satisfaction have been previously undertaken
  • To identify from the literature review, the various job satisfaction measurement theories and select those which will be most relevant to this project
  • To discover from the primary research if there is a relationship between the various components of organisational commitment and employee job satisfaction
  • To discover if demographics as a variable can impact the commitment or satisfaction levels of a group
  • Identify and discuss the advantages of the organisation knowing the relationship between organisational commitment levels and levels of job satisfaction
  • 22,000 words – 76 pages in length
  • Excellent use of literature
  • Good statistical analysis
  • Well written throughout
  • Includes questionnaire
  • Ideal for HRM students

1 – Introduction
Research Aim and Objectives
Significance of the Study
Overview of the Study

2 – Literature Review
Research Background
Organisational Commitment
Job Satisfaction
Theories of Job Satisfaction
Measurement of Job Satisfaction
Relationship between Organisational Commitment and Job Satisfaction

3 – Research Design And Methodology
Research Approach
Research Design
Questionnaire Design
Organisational Commitment Questionnaire
Job Satisfaction Questionnaire
Data Analysis
Validity of Survey Sample

4 – Results and analysis
Research Approach
Validity of Survey Sample
Results and Analysis
Organisational Commitment versus Job Satisfaction
Gender Summary
Occupation Summary
Male and Female Groups
Occupational Groups
Relationship between Job Satisfaction and Organisational Commitment

5 – Research Conclusion
Summary of Research Objectives
Recommendations for Future Study



Employee Organisational Commitment and Employee Job Satisfaction Dissertation
Employee Organisational Commitment and Employee Job Satisfaction Dissertation

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