The Importance of Training Staff in the Modern Workplace Era (2014)

The dissertation focuses on the topic of The Importance of Training Staff in the Modern Workplace Era. It is very important for organisations to acquaint their employees with modern technology and necessary skills and knowledge in their respective fields of work. HR department plays an important role in order to make sure that the quality of training should be provided to all staff member for more efficiently and effectively completion of tasks.

In this regards, total 107 respondents’ response were collected through designed 5-likert questionnaire which comprised of 20 questions. The data was analysed in the form of frequencies, mean, maximum, minimum and standard deviation after completion of respective questionnaire. It was found that staff training is one of the major sources that increase the organisation efficiency, quality, marketing, management and all other aspects are linked with organisational performance.

HR departments further needs to design strategies and schedules for proper implementation of training system and also to work on rapidly changes in technology. Every organisation wants to execute and use new types of things to efficiently and effectively implement the strategies and train the staff according to innovation in the market.

It is correlated with employee performance and they work more easily as compared to earlier work. The training impact increases the overall performance of the organisation. When the profits of the organisation slow down they cut off the budget regarding staff training which creates a negative effect on employee performance and future growth of the company as well. The objectives of this dissertation are:

  • To bring out the relation between the employees training and the organisational success
  • To recognise the various dimensions of staff training in the modern day context
  • To identify the challenges witnessed by organisations when applying staff training
  • To identify the importance of staff training in organisations
  • To give a few recommendations based on the major concerning aspects with respect to staff training which might further influence the overall performances of the organisations
  • 15,000 words – 84 pages in length
  • Excellent use of literature
  • Good analysis of subject area
  • Well written throughout
  • Includes questionnaire
  • Ideal for international HRM students

1 – Introduction
Current Trends of Staff Training
Dissertation Objectives
Main Research Method
Introduction to the Organisations

2 – Literature Review
Kirkpatrick Model

3 – Research Methodology
Research Methodology
Qualitative Research Methodology
Quantitative Research Methodology
Sources of Data Collection
Primary Sources
Secondary Sources
Tools for Data Collection / Instrument
Questionnaire and Interview
Data Processing and Analysis
Ethical issues

4 – Data Analysis
Data Analysis
Demographic description
Data Analysis of objectives
To bring out the relation between the employees training and the organisational success
Interview response

5 – Discussion and Findings

6 – Conclusion, Recommendations and Limitations


Survey Questionnaire

Training Staff in the Modern Workplace Era Dissertation
Training Employees in the Modern Workplace Era Dissertation

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