Challenges in Developing E-Recruitment Processes through Social Networking Websites for Global Organizations – A Case Study of Facebook (2016)
E-Recruitment Processes Dissertation – Any dynamic business environment requires the organization to achieve a competitive advantage in order grow within the market place and keep ahead of its competitors. Porter’s generic strategies define different ways to build a unique ability that can enable the organization to lead the market. Human resource of an organization is usually held responsible for the success or failure of any organization. Skilled can give a competitive edge, which an organization can use to achieve desired aims and objectives.
Human resource function is considered as the most important business functions by various authors and management gurus. Recruiting the right person for the right job at right time is the key function of HRM. With the advancement in technology various options are available with the organizations to recruit candidates for the right positions.
This dissertation is aimed to study e-recruitment and related challenges. The growing use of social networking platforms enabled people all across the globe to communicate with each other. Organizations searching for suitable candidates also started using this platform to advertise available positions and attract skilled employees. The use of social networking websites such as Facebook allows approach to diversified range of candidates from which organization choose the most suitable for the job. Through this research study different representatives of variety of organizations are contacted and their feedback regarding the challenges of using social network platforms is taken.
A sample size of 100 respondents is taken to evaluate the challenges in developing e-recruitment processes through Facebook in global organizations. The ultimate goal is to identify the challenges and current practices of the organizations regarding recruitment in the context of social networking platforms. Using quantitative and qualitative research approaches data is collected from the respondents and analysis on that data is conducted through using SPSS. Research results are then analysed and hence conclusion is drawn from the data analysis.
Dissertation Objectives
- To examine the influence of social networking websites on recruitment of organizations
- To explore the ethical and privacy issues related to recruitment using Facebook as the recruitment channel
- To critically analyse the merits and demerits of Facebook as the source of e-recruiting used by organizations
- 12,000 words – 42 pages in length
- Excellent use of literature
- Excellent analysis of subject area
- Well written throughout
- Includes questionnaire
- Ideal for HRM students
1 – Introduction
Research Background
Problem Discussion
Company Profile
Research Purpose
Research Aims
Research Objectives
Research Question
Rationale of Study
2 – Literature Review
Introduction and Overview
Scope of Literature Review
Need of carrying out online process
Finding Candidates on Facebook
The Increase in Use of Social Networking Sites
The Increase of using Social Networking Sites as Recruitment Tools
Job Hunting through Social Media (Opportunity or Threat)
3 – Research Methodology
Research Strategy
Thеorеtіcаl Frаmеwork
Dеductіvе and Inductіvе Research approach
Research Structure
Thе Sample
Instrument Development
Dаtа processing and analysis
4 – Findings and Data Analysis
Data Analysis
5 – Conclusion
Research Limitations
Future Research