Effective Human Resource Management Strategy for Reducing Employee Turnover within UK SMEs (2016)
Reducing Employee Turnover Dissertation – This dissertation examines the impact of human resource management practices to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in terms of the employees’ turnover issues. It concentrates on explaining international human resource turnover issues in SMEs and it explores the SMEs definition and provides some human resource management recommendation solve the employees’ turnover issues.
The dissertation also focuses on demonstrating the relationship between organisational culture and labour turnover. In order to explain the practices in SEMs precisely, the Strategic Labour Allocation Process model (SLAP) and Harvard Model for HRM are used in this dissertation in order to have a further understanding of the international human resource turnover issues.
This dissertation explains some human resource management practices through applying a case study and face-to-face interview is used in this research. The chosen company X is a UK located company that does international import business who employs employees from different countries and it has a good corporate relationship with some countries’ suppliers in Asia. The research mainly concentrates on examining the relationship between international human resource management practices and the employees’ turnover issues within the company X.
In order to collect much more precise data and better analysis the international turnover issues in the company X, this research will implement face-to-face interview with the company manager and there are 12 participants involved in this research who are from different occupations. It was found that the SMEs could improve the firm’s performance by implementing valid human resource management practices to some extent and in turn, it could solve the human resource turnover issues.
It demonstrates the organisational culture also plays an important role in influencing labour turnover. Base on the case study findings, a number of suggestions would be provided for SMEs to improve their organisation performance and reduce the employees’ turnover.
Dissertation Objectives
- Define SMEs definition and Examine SMEs’ characteristics
- Examine HRM practices in SMEs with SLAP model and Harvard Model
- Examine the Relationship between HRM practices, Organisational Culture and Labour Turnovers
- 18,000 words – 56 pages in length
- Excellent use of literature
- Good analysis of subject area
- Well written throughout
- Ideal for international HRM students
1 – Introduction
General Background
Current Situation
Key Issues
Dissertation Objectives
Personal Learning Objectives
2 – Literature Review
Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) Definition
Distinctive characteristics of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs)
HRM Practices in SMEs
HRM Practices in SMEs at Organisation Level
HRM Practices in SMEs at Individual Level
HRM models
Strategic Labour Allocation Process model (SLAP)
Harvard Model for HRM
Employees Turnover in SMEs
Satisfaction and Commitment with Employees Turnover
Organisational Culture with Employees Turnover
3 – Research Methodology
Research Design
Case Selection
Data Collection
Data Analysis
4 – Research Findings
Findings in the hospitality restaurant
Findings from the manager’s level
Findings from employees’ level
Findings in the Chinese supermarket
Analysis Findings through applying SLAP Model and Harvard Model
Hospitality Restaurant Case Analysis through applying SLAP Model
Chinese Supermarket Case Analysis through applying SLAP model
Hospitality Restaurant Case Analysis through applying Harvard Model
Case Analysis limitation
5 – Recommendations and Conclusions
Recommendations for the project objectives
Implications for Future Research
Learning Reflection