Strategic Role of Human Resource Management Policies and Practices in Organizational Change (2016)

Human Resource Management Policies and Practices Dissertation – Change management is needed as it provides the opportunities to the organizations to bring the desired changes like sustainability, profit, expansion, growth or any other required favourable outcome and therefore they are seen to be facilitating the employees to provide the positive changes in the organization. Team work, decision-making, and the job autonomy are related positively to the changes in the organization.

The HR has the important role in the development of an organization, and thus it supports to bring the positive changes in the organization. Employees who are seen to be coping up the changes likely, this issue could be easily resolved by the different HR practices. The HR could play a positive role in changing the behaviour of the employees from negative to positive, from resistant to supporting. The HR department should be encouraged for searching for the people who could facilitate the change process as it could motivate the employees to take part in the change initiatives.

A HR department is usually provided with the staff that have the relevant knowledge related to the behaviour of the people, providing them the knowledge about the importance of change and considering the change management as the most important strategy of the HR.

Large companies are seen to be supported by the HR managers that allow them to bring the change in the positive way as the various change initiatives provide the employees with the rewards, and in the future, they are seen to be provided with the proper support for taking the initiatives for the change. This entire research study discusses Strategic Role of Human Resource Management Policies and Practices in Organizational Change.

In the current global competitive environment, organizational change is not avoidable, and this change transfers the present situation of the organization towards the desired position. Human Resource Management (HRM) plays a vital role in building a very much confidence and create stable environment whenever organization wants to change. Change in an organization is very fundamental when a crisis arises; gaps exist in performance, the arrival of new technology, rectification of opportunities, acquisitions, merger, and reaction towards internal and external pressure.

Dissertation aims

  • To examine the role of Human Resource Management policies and practices towards implementation of change in organization
  • To review the HR practices which are critical for effectiveness of change within workplace of organization
  • To rectify the need for such changes within the organization through HR best practice
  • To elaborate the processes of implementation of change within workplace of organization
  • To identify the primary determinants and their effects on change within workplace of organization and support from HR to overcome the same
  • To explore the core restraints which create hurdles during changes in workplace of organization from employee perspective
  • To provide practical recommendation in promoting change and get maximum benefit through change in workplace of organization
  • 13,000 words – 40 pages in length
  • Good use of literature
  • Good analysis of subject area
  • Well written throughout
  • Ideal for HRM students
  • The company appears as anonymous in the research
  • The company operates from the Middle East

1 – Introduction
Brief Overview of the Topic
Brief Overview of the Organization
Statement of the problem
Objectives of Study
Research Questions
Significance of the Study

2 – Literature Review
Review of Theoretical and Conceptual Literature
New HR Competency Model
Related Studies

3 – Methodology
Type and Nature of Research Study
Data Collection Sources
Data Analysis
Ethical Considerations

4 – Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data
Data Analysis
GAP Analysis
HR Management Involvement
Impact Analysis Process
Analysing Role of HR in Organizational Change
Employees Communication
Employees Motivation
Employees Consultation
Employees Participation
Standardization: Role of ERP
Policies Revised
Implementation Stage

5 – Conclusion, Recommendations and Future Research
Future Research Direction


Human Resource Management Policies and Practices Dissertation
Human Resource Management Policies and Practices Dissertation

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