Exploring the Relationship between Organisational Structure and Organisation Based Self-Esteem of Employees: A Case Study of Primark (2018)

Self-Esteem of Employees Dissertation – Within the organisational structure at Primark there are visible organisational based self-esteem challenges. This dissertation sets out to explore the relationship between organisational structures on organisation based-self-esteem (OBSE) in Primark. It is seen that the concept of organisation based-self-esteem (OBSE) and defined it as a degree to which an individual believes he or she is capable of, significant for, and worthy as a member of an organisation.

However, OBSE is based on self evaluation and self assessment process of the employees. Organisational structure of an organisation is the reflection of organisation to its employees and to the outer world also. Organisational structure can be divided into three categories depending upon the hierarchal structure of the organisation, notably: tall, flat and matrix structure. Primark has adapted the tall structure due to its various level of hierarchy.

It has been observed that no recent study could be traced being conducted on relationship of Primark’s organisational structural on the organisation based-self-esteem of the employees. The objectives of the study were to study the relationship between organisational structure and Organisation based self-esteem for employees of Primark Manchester, and to explore the factors affecting the organisation based self-esteem in the organisational structure of Primark Manchester.

In accordance with the objectives of the study, the research questions were identified which were as what type of relationship exists between the organisational structure and organisation based self-esteem of Primark Manchester employees and what factors are affecting the Organisation based self-esteem in the organisational structure of Primark Manchester?

The study is aimed at investigating the relationship between the Organisational structure (OS) on Organisational Based Self-Esteem (OBSE). The objectives of the study may be outlined as follows:

  • To study the relationship between Organisational structure and Organisation based self-esteem for employees of Primark Manchester
  • To explore the factors affecting the Organisation based self-esteem in the Organisational structure of Primark Manchester
  • 14,000 words – 60 pages in length
  • Excellent use of literature
  • Good analysis of subject area
  • Well written throughout
  • Includes questionnaire
  • Ideal for HRM students

1 – Introduction
Dissertation Aims and Objectives
Research Questions
Significance of the Study
Limitations of the study
Dissertation Structure

2 – Literature Review
Measurement of Self-Esteem
Self-Esteem Beliefs
Self Concept
Dimensions of Self-Esteem
Self-Esteem Viewpoint
Organisation Based Self-Esteem
Organisation based self-esteem in View of Pierce et al and Experts
Organisational Structure
Organisational structure Based on Control
The Functional Organisation
The Five Circle Model
Organisational structure and Organisation based self-esteem
Factors Affecting Organisational Self-Esteem
Chain of Command
Span of Control

3 – Methodology
Research Question
Research Design
Population for the study: Selection of Primark Manchester
Sample for the Study
Sampling Frame and Sampling Technique
Research Design and Approach
Operational Definitions of the Variables for the Study
Organisational structure
Organisation based self-esteem
Data Collection and Research Instruments
Research Instrument: Questionnaire
Validity and Reliability of the Research Instrument
Data Analysis Technique and its Justification
Content Analysis
Ethical Consideration

4 – Analysis and Findings
Data Presentation: Participant’s Hierarchal Information
Data Analysis
Organisational Structure
Analysis and Interpretation of the Results
Organisational structure
Relationship of Organisational structure with Organisation Based-Self- Esteem
Factors of Organisational structure affecting the Organisation Based-Self-Esteem
Analysis and Interpretation of the Likert Scale (OBSE)

5 – Findings, Conclusion and Recommendations
Recommendations for Future Researchers


Self-Esteem of Employees Dissertation
Self-Esteem of Employees Dissertation

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